I'll Defy Society's Expectations Again and Again!

When I was younger, my mom used to say that in her next life, she would be a man. I did not understand why she would choose the male gender instead of being a lady. In my young mind, I thought, who would ever trade the chance of being in a beautiful body, courted by the opposite sex, receiving gifts and admiration from left, right, and center, to be the gender who gets love if he provides and have to deal with lots of mental health issues because the struggle is real? Obviously, my mom!
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Well, I am all grown up now, and trust me, I understand now. If you ask me what gender I'd love to be when I reincarnate, I might choose to be a man. Hell! That gender can be anything they want and at whatever timeline that they want to be. They can be young or old, and no one bothers them as long they are minting the money and providing for whoever they love and value.

But a lady no matter how successful, if she's not married, will be reminded of her place in society. It makes it look as though women can't choose how they want their timelines to run. And don't start with the fact that childbearing age will run past us because there are other alternatives to having kids. They don't have to come through our uterus to be ours.

I might choose to be a man so I will move through life at my own pace not because society is hurrying me up. Brushing me, preparing me to end up in a man's house where I'll probably have to give up my dreams to make the family-run.

Scratch that! Never! I will still be a girl... Duh 😆

I am the girl who doesn't care what you think of me. By now you should have noticed. I can decide not to get married and have to date young guys in my old age. I will adopt children so don't ask me. Or I'll probably look for a donor who doesn't need to be around to be the father. Or possibly find another lady who would go through the pregnancy period for me and hand me the baby when he or she is born.

I am not living for society. So I make my own rules. I don't care what they think or how they think I should live. I'll always do the things that make me happy, screw the rest of the people around who feel I should be sacrificing my happiness for their validation. Please, they can go to hell for all I care. My life! My rules!.

If I see something that you have and I want it, I'll find a way to create mine and I might not follow your route. Mine might take time but I'll have it one day because I won't be following the conventional way, so the timeline will definitely make that journey long.

Read my lips or my writing, lol, I don't care what you think of me. I shine in my way. I suck in my way. I cry in my own way. I laugh in my own way. I suffer in my own way. I enjoy in my own way. The rest of the world will have to find their thing and do it. But I'll always reincarnate as a girl and I am going to still live life as crazy, wild, and mad, as long as God gives me breath.

Speaking of birth country. I'll choose my country, Nigeria, again and again on the map. I have my reason. I love my country. The grass is always green on the other side. Every country has its share of trouble, but it doesn't mean that we are terrible, we are who we are. The whole knows who we are and all our struggles and despite all this, we smile and we live through it all.

My family! God bless them because, upon every reincarnation, I'll choose them. I'm not sure you have a supporting family like mine... No offense. Mine would go through the ends of the world for you. Mine will teach you to be yourself and to pursue your dreams, and passions, and encourage you to experiment with whatever you want as long as it makes you happy. Mine is the best family in the world and I won't be trading them for any other one upon reincarnation... Sorry, my family is not up for the taking 😝

Is there something I would change about myself? No! I am whole. I am alive. There's nothing wrong with me. The way I think, the things I love, the difficulty I've experienced, everything, I would want to experience them again and again upon the next reincarnation. Why? It made me who I am. The person I became as a result of those experiences is a girl who knows what she wants and is willing to trade time and hard work to get it. So, yes, I want them again!

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