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Taking the Control back

Fear is the thing which exists in everyone's mind. Some people accept the truth naturally and some don't and try to pretend that they are brave enough to face any kind of situation and fear can't touch them. But actually, fear exists in their mind also. I have an incident to share which made me terrified.

The incident was ghost type and I am starting with it.
Science says that there is no existence of course and I believe in science. So I used to think that I believed that there was no ghost anywhere. But some incidents make us realize that on one side of our mind, there exists a little belief about ghosts. From childhood time I heard many stories about ghosts and it's natural to think about ghosts in some situations and environments. Because I have a strong belief in science I have the courage to face any incident. An incident happened with me which occurred 5 years ago.

It was the time after the Eid festival. My 1st-year final examination was near and I had some tasks to do because of what I returned in mess from my home on the 4th day of EID. Approximately in the evening time, I returned to the mess and I unlocked the doors of the flat. I realized that none of my mass numbers came from home. I have no problem with it because no thoughts came to my mind at that time. I was the only one in that flat and so I didn't bother myself for cooking. So I finished my dinner in a restaurant which was not too far from the flat. When I was returning to my flat after finishing dinner I met with the caretaker and talked for 5/10 minutes. The caretaker informed me that I was the only person in the building except him.

I was a little bit shocked hearing that because I didn't notice it earlier. The caretaker was on the ground floor and I was on the third floor and it was giving me a little bit of goosebumps. I returned to my flat and some negative thoughts automatically came to my mind but I was able to overcome that silly thoughts easily because of my practical thinking. There was some valid reason for thinking about it. You need to understand the flat environment and flat story first.

Before we took the flat an incident occurred in that flat. One lady committed suicide in that flat because of some kind of family reason and the flat was locked for several months after that incident. It was the reason many mess members felt uncomfortable whenever they were alone and left the mess also. Some little haunted incidents occurred also with some mess members. To be honest I felt like those incidents occurred because of thinking too much about this suicide. One of my friends and I, both were very practical and none of us felt anything uncomfortable and we never feared for anything in the flat.

Now come back to the real track again. That day was Friday and a show used to occur in the radio in each Friday and I was a Fan Bhoot (ghost) FM. I listened to the full show and some story was really terrifying and shook my mind. I tried to see the window and noticed that the window was open. The fear was taking control and my conscious mind became alert and took control back and everything became normal.

At the time of 2.00 a.m., I started to watch Game of Thrones (GOT). Approximately 1 hour later noticed the percentage of my Mobile battery was 2%. So I decided to stop watching the series and go to sleep. All of a sudden the power supply was gone. And a little bit later I heard some sound in the kitchen and sometimes felt on the ground. My fear took control again in my mind. I became afraid when I was thinking of going into the kitchen because I needed to cross the room where the lady committed suicide if I wanted to go kitchen. I tried to open my mobile flashing but the flashlight wasn't working. The reason was the low battery percentage which was not allowing me to turn on the flashlight. If I want to go kitchen I need to depend on mobile screen light only.

Everything started to make me afraid. The overall situation was giving me some signal that some negative thing was going to happen with me. So firstly I decided not to go to the kitchen to check what happened. But later I realized if I didn't go there I would be able to sleep also. Besides I have the tendency to face the situation when it gives a scary feeling because it's the only thing which can help me to overcome the fear. So it was decided and I gathered my courage to move forward.

Every little step increased the fear of mine while I approached to the room (suicide room) but I was determined and I was ready to face the situation doesn't matter if it cost me my life. One thing was coming to my mind " If Almighty keeps me alive then no one has the power to kill me and if Almighty decides to give me death then no one can save my life".

I entered in the room with my mobile screen light the percentage of my battery turned into 1% which made me scared more thinking that the mobile battery could be drained at any time. In spite of the situation, I kept approaching to the kitchen. From the door of the kitchen, I tried to see what happened. I entered in kitchen and all of a sudden one thing made me shock and it was the electricity returned 😮‍💨.

I was shocked when suddenly the light turned on when the electricity appeared. I was relieved to see that everything was okay in the kitchen and again I returned to my room. I was unable to find out the source of the sound but each second was very scary for me but good thing was I was able to overcome my fear in the end. It was one of the most terrifying nights for me till now.

Thumbnail picture taken from unsplash
The 2nd picture taken from unsplash
The 3rd picture taken from unsplash
The 4th picture taken from unsplash
The 5th picture taken from unsplash

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