Pass a week without computer and smartphone.

Once upon a time, there was no smartphone or computer. In fact, no one thought about such kinds of devices at that time. At that time there wasn't any updated technology and devices like now. So that time humans had enough time to talk with others and for gossiping. The unity of humans was really great compared to the current time.

In the current time we have developed and updated technology and devices which invented to make our life more easier and more comfortable. Specially smartphones and computers helping us very much in the field of communication. Besides both devices, we use for our recreation also. So all humans are deeply connected with both devices very much.

taken from unsplash and edited by me

After waking up in the morning, we see the time on smartphones and we go to sleep after using smartphones or computers. Although both devices were invented to remove the distance of place, they created distance with family members because we use devices for so long time that the interaction between family members has decreased a lot. Thinking about life without having a computer or smartphone is really tough for us. It's because almost all of us became addicted to using those devices.

But what will happen if I don't have any access to any smartphone or computer? Obviously, it would be hard but not impossible for me. So from here, I am sharing what I will do in such kind of case.


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I am a person who loves to sleep as much as I can. In the morning I have to wake up early to go to my university and at the time of night smartphones and computers delay my sleeping time. Although I try to sleep early as much as I can, it's really hard for me but little by little I am improving and trying to sleep earlier than the previous day. If there don't exist smartphones and computers then I think it will be very helpful for me to sleep early because at that time there won't be any obstacles to sleep me early. Besides, that will be very good for my health because

"Early to bed ,
early to rise,
Makes a man ,
healthy , wealthy & wise.

I will follow this proverb that time😅.

Reading books

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I love to read books. Once I was addicted to reading books. In the current time reading books has been reduced because of using smartphone and computer but still, I couldn't leave reading books because still, I love it. Reading books give me different kind of satisfaction and it really helps to increase the power of my imagination of mine. Besides, it provides me huge knowledge. If there is no computer and smartphone, I will definitely increase my reading books. Besides, I think it will be the best thing for recreation and passing time which will provide me information to increase my knowledge at the same time. For proper mental growth reading books is very necessary and I am confident that will make a positive impact on my personality. So that is such kind of thing where I will spend most of my time if I don't get access to a smartphone and computer.

Spend more time with family

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In my life, my family is the most important thing and perhaps it's important for all. If there is no smartphone or computer then I will get more time to interact with my family members and pass more quality time with them. it will be helpful to make our family bond more stronger. And i think nothing can be better than it because strong family bond means happy family and happy family means happy life and leading a happy life is a common desire of everyone.

More creative

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It's true that i also use smartphone and computer like others and it take huge time of mine. Whenever i became free and lonely many creative ideas and thoughts started to come in my mind. At the same time i always try to do something creative whenever i became free. When i won't have no access od smartphone and computer i will try my best to do something creative and make my day productive. Who knows may be some evolutionary thoughts come to my mind and do something great.

if you think that i violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or i made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if i made any mistakes.

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