Project Hive and the other projects of mine

Life is complicated and we need to go through a various kind of situation in our life. Sometimes facing that kind of situation is easy to face and sometimes it's difficult but somehow we we pass the situation. Life itself is a mega project and all the activities we do are sub-projects, especially those things which we do for the long term or a certain amount of time is required for it. Most of the projects require 100% commitment.

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Most of my activities were robotic type from childhood although I feel now I a not a robot type like I was in earlier times. In case of any project I tried my best and that means I get 100% of mine to complete. Whenever I make any kind of commitment I give my hundred percent because I think that kind of mindset is very important to move forward and do something better in life. But at some point in our life even if we want, it's hard to do our best. The reason can be many things. It can be incapabilities, priorities, situations, and so many things.

The Hive platform is the place where I spend almost all the remaining time of my regular days. On average I spent more than 8 hours on the Hive platform. I said it's average because I think in my off days it increases normally. As I love to spend more time here, I took the Hive platform as a project and the aim is to achieve financial freedom. I am dreaming of increasing my vote value to such a height when my curation reward should be enough to run my family. And my primary target is to increase my vote value to around 5HBD. I know I am very far from it at the current time but I believe one day within some years I will make my dream possible. I made a commitment to myself and naturally giving my best is also necessary for achieving such a kind of height.

At the current time, I am facing my hons final year exam and obviously, it's very important in my life because my result and certificate will play a very important role in the case of my future career. And for my study, I also need to do my best. I am investing for my studies since childhood time and almost reaching the peak point I can't leave it. I need to continue it with dedication. So in my life, the top most important project till now is the study or academic life and the Hive platform. As my exam is ongoing and it(theory exam) will continue for more than one month. I need to put a lot of effort into my examination at the current time. I need to give most of my time in study which I used to give in Hive platform before the exam. So my activity in the Hive platform reduced a lot compared to normal days. So the reality is I can't give my hundred percent here.

Thankfully I started taking exam preparation from some months ago and that is allowing me some time to spend in Hive even if my exam is ongoing. Somehow I am making my regular post and engaging a little with others. But still, I am not satisfied with it. I feel it may creating an impact on my readers. But still, I choose to continue it in this way. There are two reasons behind it. And the first reason is I want to continue with the current flow and I may lose the flow if I stop or take a break. The another reason is I am afraid of losing my spirit and becoming inactive for a long time. It's because after joining Hive I encountered 2nd and 3rd-year exams and I took a little break from the Hive platform each time. Believe me, the returning was very difficult and I need to struggle a lot to come back in this platform. I was at least 4 months inactive each time. Sometimes I regret making the decision to take a break from Hive. So this time I didn't dare to take the risk.

By the way, it's the first of February and it's another HPUD. With a little effort, I touched the 3.6k HP.

I am happy to touch the 3.6k level of HP and I hope I will grow more in the upcoming days.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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