No chance in this year

Life is uncertain and because of uncertainty, nobody knows what will happen next. Because of the uncertainty sometimes our plan fails. That's the truth but we don't stop making plans and strategies thinking about the uncertainty. It's just two weeks remaining to the end of the year and in this year we have done a lot of things and we received the consequences of it. it's not so easy to calculate all the things we have done in the whole year. So there are many things we have done this year and many of them we won't do in the remaining days of the year. Mentioning about all is not possible but sharing the significant thing we won't do is very much possible.

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I am a student and at the same time, I am a teacher also. I used to do teaching as a home tutor since last November. Because of it I earned a handsome amount each month and it was giving me and my family financial support. But for me, my career is very important which may solve all the financial problems in the future. As my final year examination is approaching near, I am getting more serious. Moreover, I need to give a good amount of time for my research paper also. So from last November, I stopped doing tuitions. And I am determined that I will not do any tuition till the end of my final year examination. And my final exam is supposed to happen in January. I made the decision for my career and I hope I won't regret for it. After finishing my graduation I may consider doing it again. So it's natural for me not to do tuition till the end of the year except exceptional something happens means uncertainty.

Watching movies is a very good thing for entertainment purposes and I also watch sometimes but as my exam is near for which I am focusing on my study and my research paper, I am not going to waste my time for entertainment purposes. It's because I know which one should be my priority and which one is not.

The another funny thing is I won't buy an Internet bundle pack till the new year because there is no chance of it. In fact, I won't need it. Naturally, I don't buy internet packs but a few months ago because of the bad economic conditions in my country there was a shortage of electricity and it was hampering my hive activity because no electricity means no wifi. For that reason, I needed to buy an internet pack but later the electricity problem was solved and I just need the internet for some time only in the current time. The internet pack cost me a little bit more but the validity is till 2036. This means the pack will remain valid till 2036 and it's more than 12 years from now if I don't finish it. I bought it thinking about the long term and I think it was a good decision. With my available MB, I can cross the year easily and so I won't buy any internet pack this year.

Those are the significant things I am not going to do till the end of this year and unless something happens uncertainly.

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