Maturity is an imaginary thoughts

Maturity is an imaginary thought of humans. So, it doesn't matter how hard one tries to be mature, it's impossible to be fully mature in life because, in many cases, one human will remain immature, and that's very natural. If a human can achieve the peak of maturity, then the human should be perfect, and we all know that perfection is also an imaginary thing. No human is perfect, and so no human is fully mature.

Instead of it, humans can consider one mature based on various factors. Some people consider people mature based on age. From their perspective, with age, we learn many things and we know how to act considering a situation. On average, their opinion is not bad either, because so-called maturity naturally comes when people become old.

Some people think one becomes mature based on behaviors and decision-making ability. Good behavior and better decision-making ability make a person more mature compared to others, and they know better how to react based on situations. This kind of perspective on maturity is not bad either.

I discussed about two kinds of perspectives, and to a certain point, both kinds of perspectives are right, but I feel I can see it from a better perspective. From my perspective, maturity comes from the experience of a human. The more experienced one is, the more mature the person is. Behavior and decision-making ability are influenced by the experience of a person. Each human has a different experience in life, so maturity is also different based on it.

Again, it can be said that a female person is more mature compared to a male person of the same age. Female people start to think in an organized way from an early age, while male people think like that 3-5 years later. It's not because of experience, it's kind of a by-birth ability. In most cases, it's right, but there are a few cases also as exceptions, but exceptions can't be examples.

Let's come back to the experience. Suppose one person was born into a rich family, and he got everything he wanted before saying anything. He never needed to struggle for his wants and desires, and he didn't face any serious trouble in life. On the other hand, a person was born into a poor family and needed to struggle for his wants and desires all the time, and trouble in life was a regular thing for him. I assure you that, except for the exceptions, the poor person will be more mature compared to the rich person. It's because the experience of the poor person will be greater, and he will know how to handle a situation better than the rich person. Nor do I belong to a rich family, nor do I belong to a poor family, but I can say it confidently because I observed it many times.

Persons who need to struggle from childhood will mature early, and it is a psychological matter. I am going to give an example of fish, as I am a student in the fisheries department. Suppose one fish species gets mature at the age of 1 year, but if we keep hunting the fish species frequently again and again, early maturity will occur for sure. The fish species will know that they will be caught early. So they need to mature early and need to reproduce more if the species wants to survive. It's a psychological matter. In the case of humans, it's also the same. If you need to struggle more, then you need to be mature early, and he can understand it based on experience, like the fish.

Let's talk about the age of being an adult. Based on the country, the age to be an adult is different. In my country, before the age of 18, everyone is considered a child. So to be an adult, one needs to be at least 18 in my country. It's an age when one is considered to be capable enough to make independent decisions in life, even if they go against family members or any other individuals. To be honest, considering my country's situation, it's too early because, at that time, most people can't be independent because at that time they are not financially capable of being independent. If a person needs to depend on others for finance, then I can't say he is truly independent or an adult because finance is the most important and it can easily influence one's decision. I think 22–24 years old can be a good time to be an adult because, at that time, most of us don't need to depend on others for finances and we can make our own decisions without any kind of influence.


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