Legalize Crypto and ban Facebook

Nothing is permanent in this world and changing with time is a very natural thing. The change of Civilizations, the change of human thoughts, and the change of decisions are very common and history is the proof of it. Except for history, everything can be changed and that's happened in the past. It's happening now and it will happen in the future also. Nobody has the power to stop it. In a country, something is banned, but in the future, it can be unbanned and something is unbanned today which can be banned in the future days.

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Today I am going to share about a thing which is banned now in my country and there exists another thing which is unbanned now but I want to ban it. So without making any delay, I am going to the topic.

The thing which I want to unban is the cryptocurrency which is currently banned in my country. I have my own reason behind the decision and I am stating one by one.

Cryptocurrency is called the future money of the future world. Cryptocurrency is the thing which can give us full access to our assets. I think the government is afraid of cryptocurrency because the government will lose control of general people's assets. If people start to use cryptocurrency and keep their assets as the crypto government, we are not able to use the asset. Besides the government can't create indirect influence on general people if that thing happens. I believe that each person should be the controller of their own asset and use their assets when they need it. In the current time, the banking system seems scam time because of various kinds of reasons. Banks are not as trustworthy like it was in the past. I am sure that most of the banks don't have the liquid money. I can say it confidently because some internal news published a few days ago related to it. The banks are playing with the assets of general people and I don't want it.
There exist some other reasons behind unbanning cryptocurrencies. I believe that it will ensure the security of money transfers and it can help to avoid robbery-type incidents which happen many times when people used to come home after withdrawing assets from banks. Besides cryptocurrency can help us to reduce the corruption of stopping corruption. In our country corruption is at its peak. When some kind of donation occurs we can realize very well. Suppose the government decided to donate $1000 to poor people. But because of corruption at the ending time receive $10. The remaining dollars disappeared in the middle stage means various kinds of politician keep that in their pocket. If cryptocurrency is allowed then, it will be easy to send the $1000 directly to the receiver's wallet means the poor people. Through this process, the corrupted politician won't be able to take the advantage of it.

Now the thing I want to ban is Facebook which is currently not banned in my country. I know that many people will get angry hearing about my decision but I have a very good reason for it. I want to ban Facebook because of the good of my country.

Facebook is the most popular social media in our country. It is a social media which makes communication easy but the disadvantage of Facebook is huge and humans are responsible but I feel if there were not Facebook then it would be good.
The first thing is most of the people are wasting their valuable time just by scrolling through Facebook or watching videos and other things available there. I believe that if using Facebook is not allowed then there exist no other social media which can replace Facebook at the current time. It should be better for our country because many people will not waste time and I am very confident about it.
Various kinds of fake news are shared on Facebook. In fact, almost all kinds of fake news I have seen on Facebook. Because of fake news various kind of conflict occurs in real life.
Most of the scam projects are promoted because of Facebook and I believe that the victims of various kinds of scam projects will be reduced greatly if Facebook is banned from my country.
The data of a human is the most precious thing and Facebook are collecting various kind of data from our smartphone. I want to say it's stealing data from us and they are earning a huge amount of money by selling our data.
I think all the points and mentioned are enough to ban Facebook which will be good for the country's people. I know it has some advantages but very few people are taking that most of people taking the disadvantages. It's true that humans are responsible for everything but isn't it better to ban it and restrict them from taking disadvantages?

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