Artificial intelligence (AI) came to us with a balance

Artificial intelligence also known as AI is a very common and popular topic in recent times. If you heard about AI, then you must have heard about it also that AI came to replace humans. At the current time, everyone is discussing it. Somebody is ready to accept that AI can replace humans and somebody not and both parties have their logic thinking that. Before sharing my opinion I am going to discuss some past activities which will help you to understand the logic of mine.

edited by me and taken from Canva

Firstly talking about factories. In the beginning time, most factories are mostly dependent on handmade things and it required a good amount of man force. But currently, most factories perform very well using automated machines. It's true that after the invention of machines productivity increased a lot but at the same time many people lost jobs also. This is the most highlighted thing we used to see but we ignore that to operate those machines we need skilful manpower and that means it creates job opportunities on the other hand. Someone will start a new business focusing on machinery. Besides various kinds of machinery problems can occur in machines and someone will take the place to fix it and that means another job opportunity created because of it.

Another interesting one is the computer. Computers can complete various kinds of calculations and various kinds of things within a short time which may take a whole month if humans want to do it manually. So it makes the work faster but in the opposite many people lose jobs because minimum man force required. There exists another benefit also which we ignore many times. With the invention of the computer, various kinds of job opportunities were created like program designing, webpage making, freelancing ect ect. Some business ideas appear after it like buy-sell many hardware of computers as well as computers. Besides experts are needed to fix errors or problems with computers which also create opportunities just because of the invention and development of computers.

From that to past incidents I can say there exists a balance between Humans and AI. If AI destroying opportunities then it is creating opportunities in other ways. It means everything come to us and balance create automatically. So I think in the future somehow we will be able to find the balance and in my opinion, there is nothing to worry too much about.

The creativity and imagination of humans is limitless but AI technology has limitation in that case. It can perform based on what it was programmed. But a new problem arises with time and it needs different solutions and it's impossible for AI to find a solution because it will not be programmed.

One thing we all need to keep in mind is that AI was invented to make human life more easier and more comfortable not to replace the human. In fact, AI will not be capable to replace humans anytime.

But still, I am thinking that if it takes the place of all labour then what will happen? What will I do?

It's very simple. I just need to be dependent on the traditional system with an updated mind. I can cultivate the land and ensure the food. It's the most important thing we need to live. If I can store enough food to live then why do I need a job?

My answer is quite simple and I hope you understand my points and logic.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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