An evil invention destroying the world

We are living in a digital world and till now humans have made various kinds of inventions for increasing comfort. Coming to the current time sometimes we feel that some inventions are bad and some inventions are good for us. Does it mean that humans who made some inventions having evil thoughts? What do you think?

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The answer is quite simple. A simple coin has two sides. If one is Head then the another one is Tail. Like that, every invention came with its own advantages and disadvantages. It depends on which side we are taking. Nuclear energy is one of the best examples of it. Using nuclear energy we can produce huge amounts of electricity and again we can use it for making bombs. One is a positive side and the other is a negative side and we are the ones who decide to make electricity from it or make bombs. So flaming invention is not logical but many of us still feel that without the invention of nuclear energy, the world could be better as many people taking the negative side. Although we are responsible for that destruction but if it would not invented then we would not get the opportunity to make the destruction that is happening now. But still, I think there exist more powerful things than nuclear weapons which is destroying the world. Can you guess what the invention is?

Nuclear weapons are not available for everyone and the power of using nuclear weapons is limited and very few people can use them. But I am going to discuss that thing which is not a weapon and every human can access it easily and believe me it's giving more destruction than nuclear weapons. Am I creating too much suspense 😅?? Didn't you guess anything? Okay, okay no more suspense 🙂.

The invention which is destroying the world is plastic. Shocked? You heard it right plastic is the thing which is destroying the world. Let me explain why people accept it widely and how it's a threat to the world.

If I am not wrong, at the beginning of the 19th century plastic was invented for the first time. After that, the using of plastic has increased with time because it provides various kinds of facilities. In fact, in the current time, we are so much used to with plastic that thinking about avoiding plastic is nearly impossible because almost everything is made of plastic in the current time.

The acceptance of plastic increased because it was lightweight and the flexibility of it is high compared to other things. Plastic can remain intact for a long time. So it allows a user to use it for many days compared to other things. In some cases, plastic is moderately chemical resistant and cost-effective. Cost-effectiveness and long-term durability is the most highlighted point because of what use of plastic has increased.

One of the most common plastics is polythene which we use in almost every case in the time of buying something from the shop. In the case of packaging, it is also widely used. So polythene as well as plastic is being used in everyday in our daily life. Our daily necessary things like smartphones, refrigerators, computers, AC, TV whatever we have around us are also made of plastic. In fact, cars are also made of plastic and almost all the equipment in a vehicle is made of plastic. So almost everywhere we can see the uses of plastic widely and all of it are available because of it's cost-effectiveness and long durability.

Most of us know the benefits of plastic very well but very few people understand how much harmful and how much destruction plastic is doing to our mother Earth. Plastic is a thing that does not decompose easily and it takes huge time to decompose. Depending on the structure of plastic it can take 20 years to 1000 years or more to decompose plastic. The good thing is that plastic can be used again by recycling but it's unfortunate that most of us just throw away the plastic after using it, especially the polythene or bottle types thing. From the surface, we can't measure the damage.

The water we drink mostly comes from deep tube wells which we recently getting through motors. The pure water we are getting from deeper layers of soil which we mostly use takes a good amount of time to reach the surface water in the deep layer and it's a long time process. But the plastic we throw into an open environment goes under the soil which is just a matter of time and plastic doesn't decompose in a short time. When most of the places are covered with plastic it creates a plastic-type layer and it doesn't allow surface water to go deep layer till it decomposes. So in the dipper layer under soil the water cannot be stored what it used to be in the past. Fortunately, at the current time, we have the scope to make water fresh and make it drinkable.

Most of the thrown plastic goes into the ocean. Each year a huge amount of plastic is stored in the ocean and it destroys the habitat of many ocean creatures. In a word, plastic is the thing which is destroying the Ocean resources available to us. it's so significant that we can't ignore it and Ocean scientists are worried about the problem. Besides microplastic is taken by sea creatures and animals as food and through the system plastic gets involved in our food chain which means humans are getting affected also. From the perspective of health concerns of humans, it's also a threat in the current time.

I think little or more you know about the greenhouse effect. In the case of making plastic and disposals, I got an amount of greenhouse gas images and it's not good for us.

I know that plastic is not reasonable because we humans are mostly responsible for not properly keeping or recycling plastic but instead of this if there would be no plastic then the world could be more beautiful. But because of plastic the world is going toward destruction all the destruction does not look huge from the surface but destruction is so huge people come to understand in the current time.

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