DIY delights: paper magic

Hey there..!!
Well i am back after a short break and in todays blog i am going to share a short procedure of DIY card. There were lot of coloured pages sitting idle on my side chair so it popped in my mind to make something from them as i was also sitting idle like them.So without wasting much time lets get started how i made it.


Colour pages (of your choice)
• Scissors
• Glue stick
• Lead pencil



At first i folded a white coloured page to use it as a base colour of my card .


Then i draw a straight line of about 0.5 cm on different coloured pages.
Let me show you.

At first i draw a line on pink colour page.

Then on green colour page.

After it i grabbed a blue colour page a draw a straight line on it.

Then i used the last colour which is yellow.
After this i took a round glass and with the help of it i draw a circle on blue coloured page.

Then comes to second step of cutting down these things.
I took a scissors a cut down the straight drawn line very carefully so that is doesnot deshape.

It comes out to be like this.

Then comes green.

Blue is on the way too.

Then at last comes the yellow one.

Here comes all the straight cut strips.

Now it’s turn of a big fish that is a circle. I cut it in a round shape with a lot of care and very slowly.

Here is the perfectly shaped cirlce.


Now step three requires pasting of all the materials that were being cut down.

At first i choose pink coloured strip to be pasted on white page.

Then i choose a yellow coloured strip.

After this i pasted a blue coloured strip .

After blue i choose the green colour.

It seems somehow shallow so i put one more pink coloured strip on it and then i pasted a blue circle on top of all of them.

After pasting it turns out to be like this.

I wrote “Eid Mubarak “ on it and decided to give it to my grandmother on this upcoming Eid.

So, here ends my blog and the day too ,keeping up the good work.
Meet you soon guys.
Take care till then.

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