Week 29:- Edition 02:-Armed Forces || Hive Learners || Conters

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hello dear hive learner friends, good night and my respect to all of you, may you always be healthy

meet me again with @imam-samudra. on this occasion I will share an information about armed troops

on this occasion I want to share a little with all of you, on this occasion I will follow the title of hive leaeners with the title Armed Members.

armed members

we know that armed members are of course state fighters such as soldiers or police. The army has special weapons as a tool of war, namely defending the country and protecting the citizens of the country.

if for example someone told me to choose the military or paramilitary, of course I would prefer the military because they sacrifice more to the community, besides that they are the most powerful fighters compared to the others.

we can see from their practice that they are state fighters or protecting society.

if i were one of them i would follow what the commander ordered. if i were a commander i would order soldiers to fight what is not right because the ignorant cannot be left alone because they colonize or dominate the people in my country but nevertheless remain sturdiness and honor for my own country

  • the largest troops in the world are only military because they really need strength to defend the country if they are few in number automatically the power is not sufficient in defending their country, it must be added more than that, the more power, the more comfortable it is in building the country or defending the country because of power.

if one time of war if the military is not sufficient in the battle then our strength is seen as weak and the opponent easily paralyzes us. in this case very much need strength in defending the country and protecting the citizens of the country.

If there are members myself, I will take them to train harder and stronger so that my strength is more resilient with their opponents on the battlefield in the future. If the power is strong, the country is protected from foreign threats

Armed forces like that have long been known as tough people because they don't look back at war to uphold state justice or defend their country. without us realizing it if there are no armed members like them, the country has already been controlled by other countries.

That's all I can say tonight where there are mistakes and awkwardness in the words or taste that I share, please forgive me because there is much more to learn in the procedure for writing words or pictures

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Greetings from @imam-samudra
thank you and wassalam....




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