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Week 23:- Edition 03:-"Freelancer or Full-Time Employee"// hive learners // contest

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good night and see you again tonight. on this occasion I will share information about the theme determined by the admin of our hive learners blog. I really like the title of the contest like that because it can be experienced or different conditions when we work in a company.

when I want to work in a company then I have to think a second time because there of course we are protested or regulated by those above because in the company of course there are rules and the authority to work at every level in every job we want to do. a lot of us see people who work above the rules, people really feel the difficulty and exhaustion, especially we don't know what we are doing and how to work in a company strategy.

Personally, in my opinion, when I work in a company, I prefer freelancers rather than as employees because employees feel a lot of burden. there are many regulated how the will above. if it's more profitable to employees because it's certain how much the salary is per month compared to freelancers, sometimes the salary is only sometimes divided by the percentage.

In working there, of course, there is a feeling of boredom or something that definitely doesn't feel free to do what we want because it depends on the rules of working without exception with the obstacles that we experience at some point in the future, therefore most people I see many people prefer to open their own business instead of choosing to work in a company.

That's all I can say tonight where there are mistakes and awkwardness in the words or taste that I share, please forgive me because there is much more to learn in the procedure for writing words or pictures

I'd like to visit my friend to follow this contest :


Greetings from @imam-samudra
thank you and wassalam....