It's not an overstatement if I say there are a lot of moment I am proud of, but the moment I boast of is how I passed my examination.

My primary school had been a rough one, I wasn't born with silver spoon you know, till I got to my junior secondary school, it wasn't easy .

I was brilliant from my childhood but the school I got into made me a mess so to say, we all know how some Nigerian government school might school.

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I became dull, the distance from my house to school is nothing less than 2hours due to the fact that we moved to a new area but I didn't change school.

I go to school early but always find myself late, Sometimes I would reach school during the break time, and it's always late and tiring before I got home from school.
I had no time to read or study, even to do assignment is always hard for me. it's so frustrating.

That literally made be a dullard, I knew it between me what was affecting me, my parents didn't noticed , they thought maybe it was the music class I was attending, so they had me quit.

This continued till I got into secondary school, into the same school. I even became more dull it was then my parents noticed the school and distance was not helping, but then it was too late but never too late, I was about writing my junior WAEC (west african examination council)as we call it then.

I started attending tutorial for the exam, I started improving, but the distance is still affecting me.
So after the examination which I passed I had to change school to a private school not far from home.

As a newcomer in my class , I met a lot of brilliant students I couldn't stand a chance with, I was the least in the class but I believed in myself.

I became friend with my book because I have alot of time for myself, I began to study hard and within the time I began to catch up, I knew within me I'm improving.

Time passed and it was time for our O' level examination, prior to that time I started extra tutorial which really helped me to finally catch up with what I lack.

Teachers noticed my improvement and asked me to keep it up,some encouraged me and I was glad I could hear such nice words, When was the last time I heard such words, I thought within myself.

In a nutshell we took the exam,and I came out in flying colours,I could remember just like yesterday when I checked my result, I couldn't hold the excitement within me that I couldn't wait for my mum to return from work, I had to go her shop just to show her how I had made her proud, she was really happy with it and blessed me with a gift.

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The next year I took the UTME examination,I did well and I had the post UTME, it was a huge success for me when I got admission into the university without even waiting for years at home.

I never imagined I would make the progress so far, I believed in myself and I made it happen.
My parents would always take me as a study case when addressing my younger siblings concerning their academics performance and I'm glad I could be such an example.

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