A ghastly accident terrified me




Life is full of happy and sad moments, sometimes we cry and sometimes we laugh, that's the irony of life.
The moments have been that has scared off my life makes me realize how uneasy death is.

Some years back I was opportune to witness a family friend (husband to my mother's friend), which was admitted to a private on sick bed, it was a dying moment for him and all we could do is pray for him, he had kidney problem them.

It was a scary moment as if it was me on sick bed, to be sincere we all knew he was going die but there's nothing we could do, everytime I think of him on sick bed, I always feel sorry for him and always thought what he could be thinking, thinking of how death could come anytime, it's not so bearable to know death will come to you very soon, only if we all our wish could come to pass, live would have been easy to live.


There are lot of situations I have found myself which has really frightened me, even though some are not about me, I have stories of people being kidnapped and killed, I have watched some bloody videos where terrorist kidnaps and kill people on live videos, I use to think how such people will feel knowing they're going to die, some had fatal accident and died, what could they be saying or thinking the moment when knew accident will eventually happen or the moment thier vehicle lost brake.

These are always what comes to my mind whenever I think of terrifying things, there are some people who are kidnapped but was later released or escaped, I imagine how terrified they will be.

I once heard about the story of a man that was kidnapped, it was the man that said it himself. He was kidnapped for few days, which all hope was lost in finding him, he was in the forest for weeks with other people as they were taken one by one everyday to be kills for people who comes to buy human part. Every day each of the victims are always scared and terrified as they do not know who's next to be killed.

Fortunately for him, God a way for him as one of the kidnappers (“God sent”as he said), gave him a direction to escape, he took to his heels and went up running for days before he could sight a person and asked for direction unknowingly for him he's in another country entirely, he finally found his way home, and he was asked why he didn't report to the nearest station. He said he was so terrified that he never even though of reporting to the nearest police station as he even almost lost his sanity.


The most terrifying situation I have ever been in my life was when I almost had an accident. Some years back while I was still an undergraduate, it was holiday time and I was traveling home, few hours on journey our vehicle was following a trailer for fee minutes and we all asked the driver to overtake the trailer as it was slowing us down.

The driver took immediately action without being cautious of the approaching trailer, he overtook the trailer and as we are were on side with the trailer, another trailer was coming directly facing us with speed, it was a corner as our driver didn't sight the approaching vehicle, the trailer wasn't ready to stop as we were stuck in-between, we we are terrified was some people was already shouting “Jesus”, and some called the name of God, I could remember a woman shouted “oriyami oo” only yoruba people can understand that 😂😂, it was so scary as I was already thinking of heaven, but luckily for us there there was a clear area beside us which our driver drove into, the vehicle somersaulted, and it was a ghast one, even though nobody died but some were injured with I also suffered an injury on my knees, it was that moment I knew that there's just a seconds between life and death.

It was after the incident we were all making gest of each other and we also thank God for saving our lives.
Up till this moment, none of my family members knows about it because of how my mum would react to it, I had to keep it to myself as long as God has saved me.

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