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You can say the excitement to be on air and move swiftly like i see in moves is part of my reasons and love for this particular arm force, or
the adoration that comes with the uniform

Maybe the high recognition they get with the tag pilot excites me

Or the money is also calling me
Or their swift response to rescue missions and flexibility is one thing that interests me more

Or how outstanding they are when it comes to tactical missions and how good they deal with bombing missions, providing support to arm forces on land

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They are always the ones with support and not just support but fast and reliable support

They are like the eyes on the air providing surveillance and approaching with tactical methods to the defense of the nation
They play a vital role in the armed forces

Not to be with too much talk I guess all are considered for my choice

And if ever I get an opportunity to choose an armed force to be with that would be the youngest of forces which is the air force.

Every force is provided for a reason and one important reason the air force is introduced is to provide air support in terms of national defense and also provide technical support in terms of wars

They are like the brains of forces because they invent so many defense mechanisms and defense technology in the air

The more I love the air force the more I ransack my brain on how helpful it can be with ideas just to have a stronger air force

And the only way the air force can be stronger and known for its importance is to have the construction of new aircraft just as the world is evolving

Aircrafts that can be controlled in the base without having to be in it, aircrafts like drones but bigger and more reliable for air support and rescue.

One more thing, have the idea of making missiles smaller but deadly

I just love the tactical aspect of the armed force and it seems to me the air force is well known for this, one of the reasons I would pick the air force if I ever get the opportunity to be in the armed force