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You know the more we live the more we realize there's more to life

The more we experience the good and bad experiences of life

The more we become exposed to a lot of things about life

The more life comes at us, the more life evolves beyond us

The more we have to say about life
The more we feel we understand life

Living can be fun in some phases like childhood and at the same time demanding in some phases like the adulthood all together they just make up life

We all like liking even those complaining about what life throws at them presently would definitely like to live more to make things right, nobody wants to die

90 percent of everyone living does not want to die and if they are given options to live more with good health I'm sure they will all hop on to it

If I could live healthy and young for a 1000 years?

This is a tempting imagination, a type that has perfection in it because only old age and bad health can be a factor in living for 1000 years but here I have them in check

I would love to live more on earth maybe to see some generations and see if they have any of my traits, maybe to see how beautiful and strong they get to or better still just to see what they look like but I'm not sure I would want to live a 1000 years even with good health and being young

A 1000 years is a long one and with so many decades in it think I'm just the type that is okay with just living longer and not the type of 1000 years

Don't mind me I have my reasons

At some point, death would claim my loved ones even if I get to see someone like them in another generation because of the longer years I have, with time I lose them all and everyone I know get to die

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Our loved ones and family make living fun if eventually everyone is gone and I'm left alone I might probably spend the rest of living as a wanderer with no family

Life will continue to evolve because it has a high tendency to and humanity will evolve beyond me, my ideas will now always be outdated because I'm way too old for the new century

And everything becomes new and different with each decade, talking to people and friends decades younger than I will be so boring because our way of seeing things will be different

Their music can sound like noise to me
Their dressing becomes weird too and that's how it will continue to be for every century

What if I could live healthy and young for 1000 years? I guess I will just have adapt to all,but I would rather live for some years and not for 1000 years

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