The 5-Minute Shopping Spree: Men Can Get in and Out of the Store in 5 Minutes

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Living in a fast paced world where everything is going fast and steady until women walks in and asks to go on a shopping.

I can't forget my whole childhood going with mom in market for shopping and everytime she enters in a store after a minute or two i always say come on mom let's Go elsewhere.

We've been exploring the whole market for hour now time to go back home. So, she always used to spend a lot of time doing Shopping every single time.

Meanwhile after Growing up when I do shopping it usually takes 5 or less than 10 minutes and what I can buy in this short limited time is something gonna share ahead.

5-Minute Shopping Spree

For me going on a shopping is more like a rare thing as it happens once in a decade not because I do save money but cuz of never felt need of anything to call it a shopping.

Anyway, only 5 Minutes of shopping time that too Free of cost I'll definitely pick a Walmart from where I can manage to buy most things in one Go.

Will start with luxurious side of mall which is nothing other than Xbox or PS5.

Used to be a dream of doing gaming on it.

From the same side I'll pick another tech thingy to buy which is High Quality Camera since my hobby is taking photos I won't miss that chance of buying a Good camera.

My phone works fine for taking pictures but still I can't take macro, long exposures or zooming in Photos with it that's why having a quality camera will be something Good for my hobby.

And also picking up an LED Smart TV to buy for watching some Netflix in HD big screen.

It will just take 1 or more half minute to buy these three things from same area.

Time to go for some of clothes whatever ongoing season it is would work well with adding all in cart especially more Shirts and trousers that is comfy wear.

Some Jewels as it is pumping and having More jewelry is kind of a way to Make it.

Later when prices will go up few years later after getting bored of playing games on Playstation and clicking tons of photos with camera I'll sell the jewels and gonna buy a yacht.

Wrapping up...

After all have to admit these kind of Things are source of happiness possible to achieve with Money. Ain't just a fairytale though a dream of being financially strong enough to fulfil needs and wishes of mine and family together.

And honestly in real life fact is men don't think a lot while doing shopping. They just go in and come out with one handbag maybe a perfume in it and that's it.

The way we bargain is "that's quite expensive, can't you give a bit discount on it" no sir, oh! Okay take my money.

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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 18/03/2023.

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