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Nostalgia Vs Reality: A Tale of Past and Present Schooling

Image by Лариса Мозговая from Pixabay

I remember schooling back then used to be completely different than the present times, thing's are changed now in the schools and almost every other field.

Gone are those school days, nowadays schooling is a lot easier and it's nothing more than a job.. some kids don't even go to schools anymore they have home tuition and online.. I remember the good things about schooling in my time and things I heard from parents. let's talk about how much things are changed now ahead in this.

The Good Thing about Being a Student Back Then vs Now

There was a time when my parents used to tell the stories about the way they went school was like going on a war.. waking up early and than walking all the way 6-7km or more to reach the school and than if it's late you get served punishment instead of a warm welcome on the door and more stories like this used to make me kinda scared when I was student.

Image by rickey123 from Pixabay

Teachers used to be strict when I was in school but not as much as from the stories of my parents and now teachers aren't strict anymore, very rare case if a teacher be that strick in today's era where student can just complain about it and it's not even allowed to punish like good ol days.

That kind of strick schooling was the reason we used to respect our elders, teachers and everyone we meet, it used to be parenting and teaching combined that's why I've always heard teachers are same like parents.

Nowadays this soft schooling had student disrespect teacher and not taking their words seriously is an another thing.

The Homework in a nutshell

One thing I never liked back in time was doing the homework, like I went to school did class work and got more homework.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

My most of day was spent doing that homework and mom used to be my tutor and the way she taught me "A B C, A for apple to 1+3=4" is something my cheeks still remember like it was all about yesterday ~ muscle memory.

From english to math and other subject all used to give homework for the same day and not skipping it wasn't even an option for once.

I felt that burden all the time and it's good that now it's much better for kids.. they don't get overloaded homework.

The Schooling System was much more Cheaper than today

When I was studying in school my school fee was around 90rs per month which was later made completely free by the government.

My school bus to books and no admission fee everything was completely free so that everyone can afford education.

Nowadays it's a lot expensive even the government schools now cost fee's except monthly they've admission fee, fines for this and that, school bus fee and more.

The things are difficult in this economy .. country isn't able to give what I used to be like before. Private schooling is much more worse it's like a business in the name of education.

Wrapping Up...

I miss those days of my life when schooling used to be fun in a whole different way.. in the end still one thing I want to see again is free education across the country, it will make much easier for everyone.

Also would love to know what you think about this in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 21/03/2024.