Life of Every Student when Final Exams are Near through Memes

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Once again the final exams are knocking the door starting from the end of this month and whenever exams are coming near life of every Student takes a whole new turn in last couple of weeks.

Your routine isn't same anymore, weekends or working days are equally same, special occasions with books and much more happens during the time. I'll give you a tour through memes ahead in this blog.

The life of front benchers when exams are Near

Front benchers are one of student specie's who study the whole year, every other day, week and till last breathe of their life oh I mean exams.

Exams are still 3 weeks away and I'm pretty sure front benchers situation is something like this

They have prepared whole syllabus but still gonna stay up till midnight and revise syllabus like they're gonna see that books in dream too.

Though I ain't a front bencher but used to back till 6th grade and now I'm backbencher.

The life of Backbencher when final exams are Near

Backbenchers are those students species who spend their whole year without studying, relaxing & chill. Wasting time playing video games, syllabus or studies ain't in their schedule.

And when exam comes near still nothing changes but when exams are starting from tomorrow

They'll wake up from a deep coma and gonna start to study the whole syllabus in one night.

My situation is something like in this meme

I don't even have notes of any subject and thinking of knocking teacher door not to blackmail him and get paper out before exam but to get the notes and start to prepare for it.

When Your Parents are Asian

Asian parents are usually strict in matter of studies and when exams are near they'll like gonna make you abandon mobile phone or other time wasting stuff and will ask you to fully focus on studies.

Like mostly when they gives lecture ain't no way I dare to say a word but inner voice of students sometimes is

A single piece of paper can't decide my future but yea it's gonna decide it.

The never coming Tomorrow
Honestly this is the worst habit of mine whenever I try to study a voice in my head will convince me not today but let just start it from tomorrow and it never comes.

Till the exams are here finally and you have no idea what's going on with life at that point.

Preparation test in school,colleges, uni when exams are near

The moment when institute is taking tests like for preparations before exams and one day teacher walks in completely forgot about test but then

A front bencher from nowhere will stare at backbencher and those eyes are shouting "I'm gonna tell teacher today is test day" and that moment is just like something representation in this meme.

Wrapping up...

Well, this is it and hopefully you can relate with these memes and backstory I told. For me now I'm gonna be serious and have already started preparing for exams when only two weeks are left.

Keeping side hustles aside when responsibilities are on your shoulder ain't easy but just trying to make balance between things.

I would love to know how you used to do it and where you can relate in the comment section.

Memes Created Using Meme Generator


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 14/05/2023.

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