From Stone Tools to Brain Chips: The Dark Side of Advancing Science

Image by Mark Frost from Pixabay

In this decade one thing that developed so much is science and it is making humanity better and is just offering a lot to everyone of us.

The fact that science been existing from so long like centuries or even go back to stone age time or the time when those pyramids were built.. all that took was science to evolve and get better from one decade to another.

Well, Every then and now people have been experimenting weird things with science and all but in the present time it started to give scarry vibes.

Science in past vs present: where it is heading to?

In past science used to be about finding solution of the existing problems in the society and people were curious why it is this and why it's that which lead to inventions we have today.

From electricity to mobile and virtual reality science have came a long way ahead.

Nowadays science is going to new heights planting animals hearts in human body to save that person, trying out mixing genetics etc.

Life is becoming a black mirror episode

I've been watching sci-fi movies from a long time and there's only one mind blowing series that is giving a good picture of how science would be in the future.

And it is black mirror, when I watched that series.. I saw technology that don't exist yet but it is mind blowing.

I remember when I watched this one episode in black mirror where they were planting chips in human brains especially newborn babies that was making parenting easy like parents were able to watch baby actions in a tablet.

Image by NickiAnimations from Pixabay

Like imagine you're watching something from your eyes and it is being watched by your parents on a mobile phone.

Well, whenever there was a chip connected with brain.. I realized it's not far from reality as we have neura link which is brain chip being lead by Elon Musk.

There's already majority of people against brain chips but we already have first person who's disabled played chess game using his mind and than chip did it wonders.

People walking with chip in their brain

It's like next two three decades we will be humorobots means human in robot skin.

That won't take long when people will normalize having a chip installed in brain.

There will be consequences and a whole lot negative effects of being able to do or know more than your natural human potential.

Going far away from natural selection

It's a fact that science will be slowly moving away from natural selection like inventing things that shouldn't exist.

Image by Konstantin Kolosov from Pixabay

We're already trapped in the screen since everything is digital.. spending more time on internet, less in real life.

Science in present is all about making fiction a reality, someone thinking to go back in time definitely tons of people working on a machine while other's are developing advanced Ai machines and algorithms to make everything as it's shown in the sci-fi movies which is something I'm afraid to witness.

Wrapping Up...

I think this generation is safe from living in the time when science would've developed all that sci-fi things that seems unreal but I believe it'll happen sooner than we're expecting cuz of how all these multi billion dollars company is investing in Ai.

It won't take that long to progress and build algorithms and program to make sci-fi like technology.

Well, you would be afraid too if you've watched black mirror season. Totally gives a picture of how our world will be like in some 50-100 years.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 25/04/2024.

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