Venomous Leaf Spider | Macrophotography



Hello friends #hive everyone wherever you are, hope you are always fine.

Greetings to all of us who have been in this beloved community, today I am back in front of your eyes to share some of the beauty of my macrophotography with all of you and the picture that I share with you today is one of the types of wild insects that live in the leaves and he is little spider.

Knowing spiders, of course, has various species and some are very dangerous and some are not, but the spider that I share with you today is one type of spider that is very venomous and if we get bitten by a spider this will cause a high fever in our human bodies, that's why when I photographed this spider I was very careful not to get bitten by the spider.

This spider is quite small and we usually find it on the leaves, that's why we call this spider a leaf spider, and the color of this spider as you can see is a little yellowish and there are stripes on the body. , I found this spider in my yard a few days ago and I accidentally tried to take some pictures of it.

For the process of taking pictures, I photographed this leaf spider with a Samsung Galaxy A7 android phone camera and I added a macro lens on my cellphone so that the small object could be seen a little more prominently in the camera, I also took pictures with several different angles, to see the results of the image I mean, let's check together some of the pictures that I have prepared below, I hope you like it.








Maybe on this occasion that's all I can show you all, don't forget to be grateful for today and move on in carrying out daily activities, sorry if there are word mistakes in my writing and see you in my next post. .

Macro PhotographyInsect
Camera UsedHandphone
ModelSamsung A7
LocationHome Yard in Aceh

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @idayrus

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