The Beauty of Wild Flowers in the Aceh Forest | Macrophotography


Wild Flower

Hello friends #hive everyone wherever you are I hope you are always fine.

Greetings to all of us who have been in this beloved community, today I am back in front of your eyes to share some of the beauty of my macrophotography with all of you and the picture I am showing you today is one of the types of wild flowers that I found in the Aceh forest. a few days ago.

Talking about wildflowers, of course, wildflowers are plants that live freely in forests, and these plants can be found in ordinary forests, actually there are various types of wild flowers from plants that we can find in the forest, it's just that we are lazy. looking for it in the forest, but a few days ago I purposely looked for some objects that I could photograph and one of them I found this wild flower.

Honestly, I don't really know the name of this flower, but our local language calls it seurih-rih flower. if you know another name for this flower, please comment below, I am happy to welcome your kind comments, as for taking the picture I took a photo with a samsung galaxy A7 android cellphone camera and because the wildflowers I photographed were of a small type, so I added a lens macros on my cellphone so that the images I take can look clearer and stand out a little more on certain sides.

To beautify the image that I share today I took the picture with several different points of view, to edit the image I used the android application, namely Adobe Lightroom, for more details on how the results of the image I mean, let's take a look at some of the pictures that I have taken. prepare below hope you like it.











Maybe on this occasion that's all I can show you all, don't forget to be grateful for today and move on in carrying out daily activities, sorry if there are word mistakes in my writing and see you in my next post. .

Macro PhotographyFlowers
Camera UsedHandphone
ModelSamsung A7
LocationAceh Forest

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @idayrus

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