My entry for the Hive Learners contest " W46E1 " | I didn't do this even though I was paid handsomely

Hello friends #hive all how are you today and I hope you are all always in good health

Greetings to all of us in this beloved community, today I am back in front of my eyes to share stories about what I did not do even though I was paid a lot and of course what I include today is not all just two because I consider these two things which really deserves to be shared with friends in this beloved community. Before continuing to the discussion, first of all I would like to thank the Hive Learners community for giving me the opportunity to take part in this contest. As we all know, this week is week 46 of the first edition of the contest in this beloved community.


Every human being definitely wants a lot of money and there are no humans who don't like money, of course money is a source of needs in our current life and we live every day, what we are always looking for is money, because if we don't have money, we can't. eat, that's our current state of life and of course if there are people who say they don't need money then that's not something that is dominant for us to believe because everyone is definitely looking for money and money can buy our daily needs and of course if there are people who have no money and are offered to do something and are paid a very large amount and sometimes the work is not worth doing and of course it is a very difficult question to answer because there are also lots of people out there who are very willing to do anything to achieve his goals let alone paid with the amount of money yes very extraordinary.

talking about a lot of money, of course it becomes a very interesting topic for us to discuss. it is very bad and it is paid millions of dollars in wages and of course it is a very extraordinary payment and as we know that there are no easy jobs that are paid with very large amounts of money and in this category we can categorize it as one a job that is very difficult for us to achieve and even that is not an easy job and of course the job is very high risk.


if one day there is one of the businessmen or the mafia who has a lot of money and it can be said that the money he has is millions of dollars and of course he wants one of the people for that person to die and he can't do it by killing himself so of course of course he paid me to kill that person by paying me millions of dollars which is of course very tempting and of course that's something I would never do so the first thing I would never do was kill people even though it was paid for very extraordinary because as we know killing people is not something that we can dominate for our daily lives sometimes even though it's thinking after killing people then we are paid with a very large amount of money and indeed it is a difficult job but sometimes -sometimes it can be done by a single person g professional, but I would never do something as cruel as that because my mind would not be able to kill people, even if I didn't kill people, I would teach people or just beat people, I would not be able to and of course that was a very impossible thing for me to do and of course i would never do to kill people if i was paid so extraordinarily i would never do it.


in the next stage of course I will never do it even though I am paid with millions of dollars and the next one is burning people's houses or burning cities and of course even though I am paid a very large amount of money I will never do it because I burn houses or burn things other people's components become something that we cannot avoid, surely one day we will be known by the public and of course when the public knows that it is our job then everything is very messy even though we have millions of dollars of money we will never be happy living in this world and of course with that sense of accomplishment we won't be happy click in our life and wherever we go it still haunts us and that's why I will never do it even though I get paid an extraordinary amount of money and that is a very taboo thing for me to do and money is not is everything to me because money can't buy anything if it's paid with that amount because the pain and frustration we experience certainly goes beyond what we get.

Friends all maybe today that's all I can tell you about what I didn't do if I was paid an extraordinary amount of money and of course I explained that above I hope you read it and I realize there are lots of mistakes in writing, I apologize profusely because I wrote in my regional language, namely Indonesian, with the help of Google to translate into English.



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