I want to be a lawyer! The little girl shouted out with so much enthusiasm and determination after she went through her dad's diary. She saw how unjustly her dad was arrested for a crime he knew little or nothing about. She was devastated and, at the same time, more determined to try her best to become a lawyer so she could defend her family and those who are oppressed unjustly. Seeing how much the people around her suffered for different things, she became interested in trying her best to help out by becoming a lawyer.

Well, time went by, and this little girl saw how some lawyers are not so interested in actually getting justice for the oppressed but are actually just after the reputation of being the best lawyer. The little girl never thought about how hard she needed to study to achieve this dream of hers until she became wiser and got to find out that she would rather become a scientist than an artist. Well, despite the fact that her goals changed, she was still interested in helping people in her own little way.

In my country and even in the world at large, it is hard to fight for the poor and oppressed because now the rich can easily buy their way to freedom. As much as possible, I have somehow promised myself not to think of suing anyone for any reason. Well, it still depends on what the person has done, but then, if possible, I would rather just like to take it as bad luck.

Very briefly, one of the most common reasons why people decide to sue someone is because of money-related matters. For those who are very good at taking huge loans even when they know they might not be able to pay. Well, there are others like land matters, and I think that is one money-related matter that is also part of the common reasons people in this part of the world sue people. We see and hear of cases when someone gets a land only to realize that they actually bought the land from the wrong seller. Being in such a situation, it is very easy for some to be sued, especially those who sold the land.

So, seeing some of the major reasons why people get sued, I have decided to just try as much as possible to avoid these kinds of situations so as to save myself the stress of having to sue someone. Because I wasn't so interested in things that would prompt me to sue anyone, so far, I have been able to avoid it. As much as I sometimes want to take legal action against some people, it's only a matter of time before I get to realize that sometimes letting go is not a bad idea, even when I know I can actually win the case or something.

My rule is this: if I sue this person, will they change? If no, then it's not necessary. Secondly, why am I suing them? Is it because I want to show how powerful I am? If yes, then I won't do it. Well, there are other reasons too, which might be so legit, but then I would always prefer not to sue anyone.

This is my response to the hivelearners topic on ”TO SUE OR NOT TO SUE”.

The images used are mine

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