Telling a true story is never as hard as I thought it would be but then there is always the problem of getting a full detail of a true story but I guess it's fine as long as you could relate well with it and understand why the story is being told. Of course, as long as one is living, there is always a story to be told and memories that have been made and mine is not different.

In my today's blog, I will be sharing with you all a true story of my life, it's a story that has created a great impact on me till date. As some of you know, I'm a singer or should I say I love singing and it didn't just start one day, my siblings and I have always loved singing and I think that was because my dad loved playing songs a lot and we just somehow love it and that was how we became determined to learn how to sing.


We were still very young when we started showing a lot of interest in singing and lucky for myself and my siblings, we had other children in our compound then that also loved singing too and we decided to form a children singing group like some other children groups that was reigning then, like Destiny kids, heavenly kids and many others, only true Nigerians can relate with those names, haha. Well, those children were a great motivation to us to the extent we had time for rehearsals and all of us always made sure to be in attendance because we just believed that we were going to make it big in our singing, haha.
At that time, we made sure to improve on our voices on a daily basis, we even invited some really good singers then to coach us, like our elderly ones that were in choir, ah, now that I'm thinking about it we did a lot 😂. Well, we rehearsed to an extent and we thought we were ready, although there were days when we had serious misunderstandings and everyone had to go their separate ways but we came back again because we all had a goal but little did we know that it was more than just having the talent.
We actually needed a sponsor, we knew and we started going round to tell those people that we knew were well to do, but everyone just kept promising to help but they were just actually playing with our young minds, lolz. We didn't give up, we kept seeking for sponsors until one day when we agreed that it was not going to work now, we should just go and make money first 😅. But the bottom line of the story is, we were so determined to be popular Singers and that made us sacrifice so much, lolz but in the end we were unsuccessful with our plans but then it helped us become better Singers.
After we agreed to stop, myself and my siblings moved to live with my aunt and it was then we meet another set of friends who can also sing and this time we actually went for a competition and won. Being with this group helped us a lot because we did just acapella music which is a type of music that involves only vocals, so it made us work so much on ourselves and it has truly helped me in my singing life.

Below is a video I did for my entry to one of the weekly hive open mic where I sang the major parts of music which are soprano, alto, tenor and bass, haha, the bass I sang was not really like the bass you may know because I'm not a bass singer, in fact I'm mainly an alto singer, hehe. The only reason I was able to try singing all the parts was because of my experience so far and when I look back, I'm just really so grateful to God for how far he has led me.

Please do listen to it with your earpiece or headphones to enjoy it. Until next time, stay AWESOME!!!

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