
It's all fading away gradually the love humanity has for themselves because we are now very much concern about just ourselves and the few people around us. The little act of kindness in our world today makes whoever shows it be a god because it is hardly ever seen these days. People keep wallowing in their own darkness alone and no one (with few exceptions tho) just cares to help or at least even care about it.

We all are going through our own darkness and for some of us that were lucky enough to go through it without direct help from others, we think it's that easy for every other person. We easily forget that everyone is not as strong or as weak as the other person. The truth is, we all are not the same and we are never going to be because that's how it's designed right from the beginning of time. If you take a look at your hands, your fingers, you will discover how unique all five fingers are.

They are of different sizes and length and they all play their different role. The index finger can't do what the thumb does and vice versa. Have you ever tried lifting something with your hands and used only one finger before? If you have then you will agree with me how heavy it was until other fingers supported it and it was so light to bear. Well, that's just a little illustration of how we mean to each other. Is not as if one finger can't do the job sometimes but then it is not bad to get through it with a Support.

Showing kindness and being hospitable is something that we seldomly see around us these days and from some of the reasons I have heard, some persons no longer want to be kind or hospitable to others because in their own time when they needed such, they never found it. They then believe that since they could come out stronger without so many people, then it's now their turn to pay back the favour. And gradually, we have come to see how the act of kindness in humanity keeps declining.

Outside the fact that they just want to payback, there is also the fear of insecurity. So many people are so scared of being kind to people because they are worried of being hurt by that person. I've seen and heard of some cases where the good a person did for his neighbor turned out to bring bad to him. Well, that is quite understandable but then that's why we have to always help with an open heart and also be vigilant.

There are always going to be the bad actors in a play so we have to make sure we don't get too affected by the way they treat us if not we might end up also wanting to treat others the same way. No matter the reason we want to give for not being so kind and hospitable, we have to also bear in mind that we all need each other to survive. Some people are always going to wish us evil but then that shouldn't cause us to also wish them evil too.

Rekindling the love we have for humanity especially in the aspect of being kind and hospitable will help us in so many ways. For one, it will help reduce so many immoral activities in our society. A little kindness that is shown to someone might just make them have a change of heart from doing something evil they already have in mind and that would save a lot of things.

So many people ended up being wayward because they think no one cares for them and so they should just do whatever they want to do, after all they have no one to protect. They've been broken because of how ill they were treated at one point in life and the only way they feel better is by causing harm to others so we all can just suffer just like they are suffering. If only we can just be a little more kind and hospitable like it use to be before, I'm sure we will reduce so many immoral activities in our world.

Check on someone, be concerned and say something nice to them and watch how the world becomes a better place

This is my response to the topic chosen for this edition in the Hivelearners community on "BRING IT BACK"

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