Reading has never been more enjoyable for me, I literally hate reading books before now because I find it very hard to just read but then, I became a writer and it became a must for me read and I somehow loved it now, how is that even possible you ask right? Well, I say a happy new month to you once again. In this blog, I will be sharing with you some reasons why I love ebooks to paper books, so please just keep reading to find out why.


Some years ago I find it so hard to read but then I read though but it was just because I wanted to do well in school, I struggled a lot in school and I just kept forcing myself to read books to acquire knowledge. I managed to finish secondary school and I was able to rest from forcing myself to read but then I realized it was not possible to stop reading so I had to look for a way out and then I got to know I can read things, like anything at all online so I started enjoying reading a little.


Last year I was introduced to the Hive blockchain and after spending like 3 months here, I realized that I started growing fond of reading different articles by different writers and the part that I got to leave my views and questions made it even more fun and educative. When I was in school I only read books but I hardly get a chance to get an answer to my question and that was one thing that ebooks provides.


Ebooks are books that we can find on the internet and being that we find them on the internet, it means they were mostly written by people and that means you get the opportunity to leave a comment and get a reply back, for me that is really one of the best reasons why I would choose ebooks over and over.
Aside the fact that I can get answers to my questions, I also get the opportunity to read anytime and anywhere I want to with ebooks, all I need is my device and that's it. Back then in school I remember we had over 18 subjects we studied at a point then in school and we had to carry all of those books to school because we weren't sure which teacher would come, even though we had a time table. If we made use of ebooks then, it would have been a lot easier for us because we don't get to carry heavy loads to school especially for those who live very far from the school premises.


With ebooks you have no fears of losing a book because you can easily download a new one again unlike paper books. I can't count how many times my books were stolen, even my school bag was stolen once after an examination you can imagine. Well, our phones or devices get stolen too but then, it is a lot easier to recover books and documents with ebooks compared to paper books. Ebooks can be safe for as long as you want to if you are smart but that of paper books, even though you are smart you can still lose important things.
I remembered I had to copy to sixty leaves notebooks over because they got stolen, it was not really easy but then I had no choice or else I get punished for it. If I had ebooks I would have easily sent it from a friend without going through so much stress.


Well, these are just the main reasons why I will choose using ebooks to paper books. If not for ebooks I won't be able to get so much information because I don't like reading paper books, I get a lot of questions while reading and it is sad that I hardly get a good answer to those questions.

So until next time, do well to leave your thoughts in this and remember to stay AWESOME!!!


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