Knowing that water is one of the most abundant element on Earth it is more than enough to show how much God loves humanity (what am I even saying? He created us in his own image and likeness!!!). Water is something that we just can't do without and that proves how essential it is to us. I remember how I always feel whenever water touches my skin, it's as if something wakes me up from a long sleep or something because it just brings me back to alertness.

Despite how abundant water is on Earth, there are some water that are not just fit for consumption but then there are different ways to make these water useable. Water is not something we should even try to survive without because it would be a waste as it's evident that it's one thing that maintains the life in us. There are so many things that lack of water can cause in the life of humans and that's why we need to take the kind of water we consume and how much of it we consume.

Back in 2020, we went to visit my mom and when we got there we saw that she used water from a factory but strangely, the water wasn't so safe for drinking and to think that it is the same water they use in supplying to people for consumption, it was a bit scared and sad. A lot of us are not so concerned of the kind of water we consume, the only thing we want to know is that it is water from a tap or a borehole.

At first I didn't know the water wasn't safe for drinking because my mom already purified a gallon of water and it lasted for 3-4 days and we had to fetch another one. It was after we finished fetching that I saw mum adding something black in color inside the water. I was very surprised because it felt like she was making a mistake or something and I quickly draw her attention by asking her why she was doing that. You know the funny part, she already told us she purifies her water but I never asked how.

At that point she gave a smile and told me it was charcoal. And the next thing I asked was why charcoal and she took her time to explain to me that it has been discovered that charcoal has the tendency of purifying water. Although it's not so effective as other methods of purification but it does help. Using charcoal method of water purification is only effective with water that have some unwanted minerals and some other particles but not really for sodium and nitrates.

Of course there are so many other ways to purify water but then most of these purification methods have their own lags as they don't all purify the water completely but they are quite helpful. Like Making use of palm kernel seed. What you have to do is grounding the seed to fine powered then add it to the water and leave to settle all the impurities. After a day, you filter out the clean water and add some quantity depending on the quantity of your water, to your drinking water or water for cooking to purify it. This has also proven to be one of the use of palm kernels which is quite available.

Of course you can boil your water before using it too, this has been one of the recommended so far. Also you can place your water in a plastic and place it under the sun for some time too. This method is easier because you won't spend anything at all but then it's hard to practice this because our air these days is also not safe. Also you can add alum to your water, this works like magic! I've seen it a lot but Everytime I still get amazed by how it works.

Well, these are a few water purification I've tried and most of them are very affordable and quite effective. So if you know your water is not safe, I'd advise you to try out each of these things and see the one that works for you. Remember that water is life but then it can be contaminated and instead of it giving life, it ends up taking lives so we just have to be careful with the kind of water we consume daily.

That's all for my entry for the Hivelearners topic on "WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING?".

All Images used are mine

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