A lot have been going on with me but it feels like nothing is actually going on, lol, I think life is getting serious for me now as things are beginning to take a new path for me. Just last two weeks I got a message from someone who was helping me get information concerning my school and all, I was advised to go to the school to clear out some things which I did but unfortunately for me everything went down the rabbit hole and it kind of felt like the end for me at that point but somehow things immediately took a new path which was quite overwhelming.

I missed my admission and I'd love to blame that on the situation of my country and how they careless for the education of their citizens. Well, I'd also blame myself for being so lazy and careless not to search for the right information at the right time. As they say, every disappointment is a blessing and I want to believe that applies to my case too. After I got that sad news that I missed my admission, I had to go for a predegree program just to avoid me staying at home for another year and also because of the uncertainty of my country. But then, it means spending beyond normal and it is not just easy at all.

The program will last for approximately one year which after that I can apply as a 200level student in the school of my choice. The whole thing is happening really fast and it is kind of a bit hard to adjust but then I'm trying the best I can to adjust and so are my parents too. Last week my dad was able to raise some part of the money for me so I can complete my clearance and start classes before thinking about paying for my school fees which is over $400, that's a lot but my parents don't want me to worry much about the money even when I know they don't have it now but I'm hopeful.


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So tomorrow I will be attending my first class and I'm still wondering how everything will go because I've never really done it before but I'm positive and assured that everything will go well even though they might not, hehe, I'm kind of ready for all the stress that might be coming, I know they will come so I'm training my mind not to feel too overwhelmed by all of it. The scary part of the whole thing is that I will be writing my first exam weeks from now and I'm really not sure how prepared I am but I want to just keep my fingers crossed and do my best while praying that God help me.

I will do my best to make sure to get good materials that I can study to help me do well during the program and all of that will cost me some money and that's why I don't think I can reduce my activities that much here on Hive because the truth is I need the money just as much as I need to do well in my studies. I don't know how well I can balance things up but I know it will get tougher as time goes by but I know what doesn't kills me only makes me stronger, hehe. I know a lot of people who combine their studies with making money, it has always been hard for them and I know mine will not be different but I think I've been armed with so much advice from them and I hope to learn from them how they managed to cope.

This post is just a little bit of insight of how this users life is going to be like starting from tomorrow and also to inform you of the reason why you might be seeing less of me, hehe.

Until next time, stay AWESOME!!!

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