Our world is growing so fast that at some point we even feel so lost in it not sure how we fit in anymore but then over time we have only been able to feel among and alive by those beautiful relationships we have around us. Sometimes we are so tempted to always seek the easy way out of everything and I think that is one major reason why the use of AI is so so appreciated. As humans, the use of these Artificial intelligence in so many things we do has become the order of the day and left for some, they won’t mind AI taking over literally everything.

Well, it’s indeed visible the effects of AI but then, no matter how much AI gets to develop or upgrade, I feel there are some things that don’t just need to be automated and one of them is Human Relationships/Resources. As humans, we can’t overemphasize the importance of why we need each other to survive. It’s always strange when I see someone trying to do everything all by themselves and at some point they just choose to employ the use of AI in almost everything they do just because they don’t want help from humans.

As humans, there is this feeling we get from knowing there is someone by our side and not just some machine that we feel is a lot faster and knowledgeable. In fact, at some point in our lives, we will come to appreciate even the dumbest and slowest of persons and that is because there are some things that we might need that no Advanced technology can give to us but even the dumbest of humans can give that with ease. Trying to automate human relationships is one thing that I feel these people involved in technology shouldn’t do (even though they are very capable of it).

I think to an extent, some of all these companies have started looking for ways to do this and it is something that will work but then it won’t be a helpful invention at all. So far, just with the upgrade of technology that is our devices and all, we can see how harder it has become for us humans to communicate with each other for a longer time. Now we mostly prefer to be on our phones doing a thing or two than sit down with someone building a relationship or a connection. Now we don’t care about building Human Resources because we believe that these technologies can be of better help.

Humanity is what it is because of people so if you don’t have them then you should be really concerned. Yes the technology world is growing by the day but then there will come a time in our lives when we will see how important it is to build more of human relationships. When they say we need each other to survive so many think it is a lie but then I believe that it’s only a matter of time before they realize how true that is. We shouldn’t try to take away the essence of human relationships and resources because we can.

These relationships are what make living beautiful and worthwhile. Just having some machine to be our support both psychologically, emotionally, physically and otherwise is sometimes that won’t make sense at all with time so it’s just better that it shouldn’t even be invented at all. Let’s just build more things that can foster communication among ourselves and I feel that will be a lot better.

This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on ”WE NEED NO AUTOMATION”.

The images used are mine

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