Hello everyone, it's another beautiful day of me sharing something with you all and for today, I will be sharing with you one great lesson that this year 2022 taught me. It's already 361+ days, just 4 days to go before the year 2023, I'm really grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to be part of those who saw this moment.


So without further ado, let's get to know what this year taught me...


When the year started, I was not so sure how much joy it would bring to me but I knew it was going to bring me joy. At the beginning of the year I remember we were still living at our old apartment but now we are in a new environment that has been more of a blessing to myself and my family. I can remember how many years it took us before we finally moved from our previous place, it wasn't easy but God made it possible for us.
It's over nine months since we moved to a new place and everything since then has been going quite well and since it was a new place, I was not working so I decided to use this year to stay more focused on hive and it has been really rewarding and exciting so far. When I started getting serious here, I noticed that the more I gave my time and effort to the blockchain, I grow even more and I also made really good friends here.
This year one of the greatest thing it taught me was that no matter what I find myself doing, I should always give it my best shot. I know that sometimes I don't get up to what I've worked for but that will never make me put in less effort to what I know I should do. I always believe that no matter how long it takes, my efforts will always be rewarded but only if I give it my best.
There are so many people doing what we do but the only thing that makes us stand out is when we give our best to that thing. I'm not really a good writer, I never was but I have always loved giving my best to what ever thing I do and today I can say I'm a writer even though I can't say I'm the best but I'm working to be part of the best.


This year has taught me so many other things which I'm going to mention below...

  • I learned that failure is part of success and it's good we talk about them and accept those failures because they serve as our experiences.

  • I've also learned that quitting is not an option no matter how hard it may get. Sometimes quitting seems like the best option but trust me, it is not!

  • I've also learned that it is good to take up Challenges as they help to stretch you out of your comfort zone. When you challenge yourself, it helps you discover a new side if you every time.

  • I also learned that humans will always offend us and likewise we too will offend people so we should learn to forgive them when they apologize or even when they don't. We forgiving others is not only for their own good but also for our own good.

  • Changing our environment is something that we should consider once in a while because it helps us see life from another perspective and it helps us have a better understanding of things.

  • Another important thing this year thought me is to always give time to resting , no matter how much I do I can never do it all, when the new day comes, it also comes with new challenges.

  • And finally, this year thought me how to be grateful for anything and everything, I did not achieve anything by myself, God helped me and people too.

I know I said I was sharing with you one greatest thing I learned from this year but I actually learned more than one and I've tried my best to give a glimpse of all of them.

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