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Physical Money or Crypto?

Woo! See how time flies, we are in mid week already. Happy mid week to you all my dear friends. Hope your week plan is being achieved as planned. We are on cryptocurrency talks this week am glad to be part of those in the discussion I will say that's what binds us together here.

To do justice to this topic today I will want that you take a soft drink and get yourself a good seat.


Physical Money or Crypto?

Ever since cryptocurrency became a thing and got the attention of the world, many governments have been against it while others embraced it. What about you as a person? Do you prefer the digital form of money? Or you would rather use physical? Give reasons as well, we would love to know.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency theat can be used to transact with people that uses the digital coins. There are more than 100 digital currencies in the world and more are still coming onboard. No matter the country of the world, the same can be used that is to say it is widely accepted in any country of the world while the physical money is the one that can be seen and felt. Every country has their specific money which is peculiar to them.

Personally I do prefer the physical more with the following reasons.

  • My country is a developing country so not everyone have the knowledge of what the digital currency and if I want to educate everyone that I want to make purchase from the possibility is very slim, so I better use what everyone is at home with.
  • Also due to the fragility of managing the digital currency I prefer the paper money
  • As it is now the government of my country has not fully embraced the digital currency, in fact if you are cute your account will be banned. So anyone involving in cryptocurrency is doing at his own risk.
  • More to that it is more expensive to be maintained by a common man in that you need data to access your wallet
  • Using the digital currency will entail that the rich will become richer while the poor will become poorer because they will steal our money and buy coins.