My Target For The Remaining Part Of The Year

It is a new week filled with so much hope and upward expectations from within añd outside. My prayers for everyone reading this post is that your expectations shall be exceeded in all ramification.

Just like yesterday we all said our new year wishes and outlined plans towards achieving the plans to accomplish these plans, the year is gradually closing up. One thing God did that amazes me is that any year spent does not return, so if it is well spent the memory will be sweet with the wish that it will not go so soon and if it is not well spent regret will be the order of the day.

My plans for the remaining part of the year is very simple and brief but in details it will take so much. September is usually known forget the beginning of a new academic session, in this new session and the last part of the year my plan is to get my children back to school. My first son is already in school so the sister will be joining him and that's a lot of plans already ranging from shopping for the school item to the fees.

Secondly, I always enjoy taking care of children's academic needs during the new session as there are lots of kids who are out of school because of inadequate funds, now this time dilue to limited resources my target is one school girl. She is by name Favour and just finished her junior secondary school, her father abandoned her mother with her other 3 siblings. My focus is to get her to school this session with the little I can harness.

My third plan is complete the tuition fee for a girls that is learning tailoring skills. This girl's was introduced to me in the first quarter of this year. From my interaction with her she has lots of prospect which I will not like it to waste. So far I have been able to make reasonable commitement towards that, I will be completing it so that by next year I can face another person. At least influencing a little at a time in about 10 years I will have a handful of them..what do you think🤭🤭🤭🤔🤔.

My husband and I are working on producing a book, by the special grace of God it is our desire that before this year gives birth to another we will be done with the work and be ready to head to the prints.

In all these plans what will fuel it is having a constant communion with God as of my own I can not do anything. Also not joking with my health and that of my family as it is a man that is healthy that can work. Health brings wealth. There is time for everything in that I just have to learn how to use my time well so as not to have unachieved goal.

Thank you all for visiting my blog today. I will be glad to know about your plans and how you tend to to achieve it.

Stay Blessed

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