Let Alcohol Go, There Are Better Ways To Enjoying Oneself

Drug abuse is a prevalent lifestyle in the society this has gone so bad to the point that it is difficult to see an average guy working normally again ooo. It pains my heart so much because these guys are just devouring themselves with this drugs.

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One pharmacist close to our house kept lamenting that their cough syrup don't last any longer because most of these guys comes to the pharmacy every now and then for these drugs. She even told us that she has gone as far as increasing the prices of these drugs but they kept coming for them nd she can't just say no because she is making lots of money from those people

That confession by that woman was a heartbreaking one I just wished something could be done to stop all these. Talking of drugs, the government instituted a sanction against hard drugs. This law in so much in theory than in practice. There is this chemist close to me too a while ago this young man locked up because every now and then the drug enforcement agencies cook up things just to make sure they squeeze money from their subscribers and this has made lots of them device other means to help themselves.

Talking of alcoholic drinks, I am of the opinion that the government should institute a strong law against this drinks. Alcoholic drinks are used for different purposes but the people are already abusing it in a way that is alarming.

Too much of everything is so bad in it's own. Alcoholic contents should be totally band in my country because the young stars are seriously abusing it. There are those who have gone mad because of these strong drinks. Imagine a young man with do much future been wasted because of alcoholism.....that's too bad.

Cubbing the use of alcoholic drinks can never be possible just in one blow because there are those who make so much money from the production of these drinks and they will not which for their business to close down in just one night. First the government should create awareness about the dangers of hard drugs and alcoholic drink...so if the citizens should know the dangers in taking these drinks many will try their best to stop the in of it too.

Another way forward is for the government to establish a rehab for the drug addicts...in there they will be coached on the best way to overcome this addiction. When it comes to the level of addiction, it cannot just happen overnight. There is this special technics used in delivering those that are addicted to a thing.

Another way forward is to over them good alternatives. If you ask someone to stop a thing there should be another thing to replace such. Personally these days I have developed more reason I should stay more clued to my natural combo. If not for anything I am so sure of what I am taking into my system. This days there are lots of sickness as a result of what we bought with our money. Many people use lots of terrible things just to make some more profits they care less about the health of their customers.

End the circulation of alcoholic drinks in the society today, save our future

This post serves as my entry to the hive learners contest week #118 and the first edition. Thank You for being with me

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