Just SitπŸ’”πŸ€”πŸ˜³πŸ€­

Hi friends a happy weekend to you all in here and beyond.

Most times we make jokes with people for them to laugh and get their nerves relaxed. When a man keeps serious face all day long before long he will look older than his ageπŸ˜„πŸ˜„. Wait a little, fast your mind back to anyone you can remember that is always keeping a straight face.... hahahahaha, πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ now you can relate with what am just saying.

Get your seat let's gist this afternoon

I have this ripes breaking story to tell you. It is a story about a young boy who was sent by his father to a mechanic workshop to acquire the skills. Due to the system of government in my country people's eyes have been opened, now aside acquiring school certificate they seek for a way to learn a skill in other to have a strong backup.

During this long vacation that just ended, a man who happened to be a Pastor sent his son that just rounded up his Junior secondary school to go learn some skills from a mechanic workshop.

On getting to the shop his boss told him to seat down. Everyday when he gets to the workshop his master will order him to sit. This experience continued till for about 2 weeks. This little boy went home and reported to his father that he has not learnt anything since he started work that his master orders him to seat down everyday but gives him money to take launch everyday.

The Pastor was so displeased with what he heard from the son and discussed to storm the shop himself to enquire, the son master told him "to learn and master motor mechanic skills, you most seat downπŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”.

This rang a deep cord on the in father mind, after thinking about it he agreed with what the son's boss said. His son was observed to be a workabout so that will be the first discipline if he most achieve anything reasonable in life.

Moral Reasons

  • To make a meaningful impact one must learn to discipline himself. The boy is said to be a fan of walking up and down, some children can Waka for African so the best way to help that kind of a child is to discipline him on how to be disciplined.
  • It takes focus to achieve a great fit in life: A man that have no direction everywhere will seem as a road so be focused at your goal
  • It takes the disciplined to inculcate discipline to another
  • Learning never ends, this boys father as a Pastor learnt a lesson of his life from his son's boss and am sure that he will impact others with the lesson too.

Thank you so much friends for visiting my blog, hope you learnt something. Be disciplined to learn. When you learn and impliment
it you will grow better.

My Name is Deborah Orji, my burning passion is to see people around me well this has lead me into engaging into selfless service using what I have to achieve wellness. Also I actively promote hive using my social handles and one on one mentorship. We can connect on discord on hivedeb#3903 and on Whatsapp using this link

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