Improving The System Of Education In My Country

Education is the life line of any good system and country. It is through education that knowledge impartation and transfer of knowledge is down. One gets to acquire basic skills that will help him improve his way of life through education. There are forms of education and this includes the formal and informal education.

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The formal education involves going to the four walls of the school to be imparted by someone that is higher than you, usually those who impart this knowledge are those who have been trained in that particular line and are seen to have more knowledge than the trainee, every country do have their own system of education, few years ego I was opportune to enroll into the the university to acquire a Post Graduate Diploma in Education and we where told that the current practice in Nigerian system is 3-6-3-4. What this implies is that a child is expected to spend 3 years in the primary school, 6 years from primary 4 to junior secondary school, 3 years in the senior school and 4 years in the university. I can say in theory it is very much in practice but in practice it is not done act all.

In the other hand the informal education does not have a particular system of practice, I can say it starts from when a child is still in the mother's womb till when the child is born. There is no lead down pattern on how it is down.

Going in-depth, we can note that most parents desire for their kids to get the basic education because it is viewed that the higher anyones qualifications the better chances he can get when it comes to employment in the society. Though in my society you get to see someone that has the highest qualification been under employed and someone that just have the list certificate earns in millions which is not suppose to be.

When I take a critical look at the system I discover that the quality of education is washed down the drain on a regular basis because due to money and influence the people who manage the educational system are those who have little or no experience in the field.

What To Remove From The System

As I said earlier, the quality of education keeps going down by the day due to the way inexperienced persons get to handle the affairs, also because of poor management people think that buying result is a way to cover up for their laxity and this takes root from the basic level, students are allowed to engage in exam malpractice to the point they view it as normal and if you refuse to engage in malpractice you will be seen as an outcast as if one can not get a good results without malpractice. Now if I have the opportunity I will totally abolish any form of malpractice from the system and anyone caught engaging in practice will be relieved of his work when people are used as an example everyone will take cover. When this continues for a long time the system will be purged.

One Thing I Will Implement

The major thing I will improve on is the teachers salary note that this is not limited to those in the primary or secondary section but cut across those in the tertiary institution. Teachers are widely under remunerated of a truth. Imagine that a senator who does not have even a university degree goes home with millions of naira every month and a teacher goes home with a peanut. This is heart aching. A doctor who was taught by a teacher collects heavy amount of money and even threatens to go on strike if the needful is not done and when the teachers ask for their rights they are seen as outcasts. Malpractice is on increase I may say because some of them are not satisfied with the take of salary they get every month.

It is a strong believe that the educational system will get better over time if the needful is being down.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, hope you had a good time with me. Do well to check the hive learner's Community for the details of the topic. My entry for hive learner's contest week 86 edition 1, see you soon.

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