Crimes Are Becoming So Common, Just Be Safe

In this time and season that almost everything about someone is out there and anyone who is just knowledgeable about how to manipulate the internet to source for detailed information can have access to whatever infor he needs at anytime. This brings to bear the importance of guiding ones details with all delegence because there are still little things that a third party may not gain access to unless you tell them .

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Some of these guy's who are into all these crimes go further to seek for strange powers so they will be able to woe their victims at just a call and answer a times their victims get to realize they have released vital details after they dropped the call and within a twinkle of an eye they have manipulated their way through.

View years back I was a victim of this same crime. One faithful morning I received a call from a strange number, I asked him if his name he told me. Immediately, I related the name to a school mate who was my friend and he accepted. From that moment I lost the sense of good reasoning and this guy began to use my head. He told me that his company wants to supply MTN signal light. Not too long he demanded I send him money so he will be able to communicate the dealers and all that. I told him I wasn't having any money to send that am even looking for money to feed myself. He convinced me to borrow money from someone and send airtime. Foolishly I went I collected 5000 naira from a stranger which I promised to pay back soon. I went and purchased this airtime from the MTN office. Immediately I sent him this airtime he began to insult me and call me names. Woow, my eyes opened that I was scammed. Immediately I called my friend who is a police officer to inform him what happened, he told me to go and get his details from the office. When I got there and gave the officer the contact, he told me the persons location and all that. When I told her to release it to me, he told me that I need police cover up later before I could access it.

Immediately I called my friend he told me to just forget about it because I will spend so much trying to do that and since the money involved is not much. That was how my money flew into the thin air but I succeeded in blocking the number.

From that day every bigging of the year I receive call from these scammers demanding for one thing or the other but the memory of the previous didn't depart from me, so I always rebuke them and most of all I prayed so hard about it and till date I have not received call from them.

That moment taught me that I should not be too forward when it comes to phone conversation, I don't complete words for people and I will interrogate you so much especially when your contact is not saved in my phone. There are other tricks to I use in finding out who am in conversation with. Twice beaten, plenty times shy.

One other thing I learnt is that, I should not find myself borrow money to give to another person. If I don't have let it be, my undesigned kindness in the past lead me into trouble and I don't wish to be in that situation.

In so much that the advent of technology brought many good to the world, it have lead many into unforseen trouble and crime. It is important that everyone take his safety in this space person.

This is my entry to the hive learners contest for week 124 and the second edition. Thank You for stopping by my blog today.

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