Appearance Can Say It All Though Not Doing Away With Skills

Appearance is everything they say. Another school of thought says, dress the way and manner you want to be addressed. Going for an official interview requires the applicant to appear smart as dress code is one of the things to be observed. Some of the things interviewers considers during interview includes dress code, smartness, punctuality among others.

To me, it is so just to take into cognizant the dress code of any applicant. Am not sure of any firm that encourages the interviewees to come casual to the place of interview. Even without being told any applicant will want to woe his interviewer with his first appearance, many people go to any length to make sure this feat is well met. Some persons don't just have good sense of dressing and even it is being left open ended some ladies especially will not mind to wear a seducing outfit for the first time which will not tell good of any one who ventures to do that.

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In as much as skills is so important, the way appearance is best to be put into consideration. If am to be a judge, I will place dress code and skill at the same pedestal. If you have good skills, you have to also show a good appearance. Down to even tertiary institution most departments try their best to make sure that the students gets familiar with the dress code that is relevant to the job. A scale off Monday to Friday each department have a dress code for each day and this helps to build that dress sense in the mind of the students. Imagine a firm that deals on hazardous materials or substance and the employee don't have that good sense of dressing, do you know if such a person is hired can bring more harm to the establishment?

Paradventure I am left to make my decision, I will up this system because it is a practice that is of a good benefit. The only thing I will do is to just have a twist of the whole thing. Now, depending on my establishment I will make sure that each employee understands the kind of work he is coming for and the pattern of wears that it requires. The general notion is corporate wears is for interviews so many end up dressing the way they wish to. I will also spell out the dress code of my establishment and ask if they will be willing to abide by it. So after employment the employee is not abiding by the code I will not think it twice before I get him or her fired. At first this will not be easy to work with but with time I know many will flow with the system, you know that humans don't easily adapt to changes they just prefer working with what they are used to and attempt to change it will lead to unnecessary complains and all that.

Having a good sense of dressing is very important and the most important is to dress to cover the body and not to leave the private regions to public view thereby tempting people up and down.

This publication serves as my entry to the second edition of the hive learners contest for week #115. Thank You for staying through.
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