All Fingers Are Not The Same So The Level Of Influence

One may want to wonder what kind of caption is this, let me explain what I mean with my caption and that will take me to answer the question of this week's contest.

Austin Distel in Unsplash

The finger when you check it from the thumb to the little finger you observe that it is arranged from the thumb which is the smallest to the middle finger which is the smallest i.e in ascending and descending order. In all everyone of them have a work which it performs but they work in unity to make sure the work is down.

When it comes to salery structure if I have the power to myself I will make sure that everyone is given his place based on the level of influence that is given to the system. Today there are people who do little or no work but their names are in the payroll and they receive heavy amount of money at the end of the month and the people who do the real work go home with peanut.

Why the government owned institutions are not doing well now is because there is this I don't care attitude that workers do exhibit to their work because of under renumeration. Imagine a teacher going to work everyday for 22 days and at the end of the month receives not upto 40k with the kind of economy, this kind of person will look for other means to gain survival. Now, this one will not be able to put his best because something else is tΓ king her attentention. She may even end up sleeping in the class due to stress. Just last week a told me that she is I level 12 in the civil service but her salery is less than 50k. Now always she gets promoted on paper without implementation. But see they heavy salery that a serving senator is taking home not including the allowances. That's why most of them do everything possible including taking a life to remain there. Some of them don't know how to construct a simple sentence to speak less.

If I have the power renumeration will be based on productivity. The level of work you do will determine how you will be renumerated. The people I will give special attention are the teachers especially those in the Primary School section because they are the ones that does lots of the work. See, if a child does not get the basics from the Primary school, he will find it difficult to flow even when he gets to the university level. Now we find out that these teachers in the primary school are not given proper attention. Most times I don't wish to talk about it because it pains my heart.

Now everyone is itching to be a lecturer both those that have the skills and those that don't have the skills. My husband is a good Chemistry teacher, infact if he takes you on chemistry and you don't get it that means you have to change your department πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„. Now to my point, just last year he went for an interview and at the end he was not given the lecturing job. One of our senior friends that works with the school met him one day and was relating his disappointment with him. Now, many people that was employed don't have the skills. Even to prepare a lesson note is a challenge. The closest thing they request for is to become known academic staff. If you don't have the skills for lecturing is it not better to find a place that can feature your skills but because of the pay, most people will want to go for lecturing job.

In a way way of summary, when I have this power to renumerated everyone, the senators salery will be slached infact, I will remove the attraction politics so that anyone that is not ready to serve will not near it. To be a politician, you must have a PHD any died of study. Also before you get fixed in a pay roll I will test your ability. Everyone's salery will not be the same. The word, there is dignity in labour must be in play All finger is not the same.

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