Splinterlands Revolution//How To fight Zaku

When I'm saying Zaku, I didn't say Zaku in person šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£; I knew many of you know who Zaku is in splinterlands; it is not that Zaku, it is a Summoner called ā€˜Zakuā€™.
Why Zaku Summoner
This legendary Summoner is one of the deadliest summoners in splinterlands. level 1 of Zaku could destroy the level 4 of Alric Stormbringer or Malric Inferno. That was how powerful the summoner is.

It was hard for me to win against Zaku in those days. After I fought several battles with Zaku, I didn't win a single battle. That was when I discussed it in neoxian city splinterlands channel. The boss suggested that I should include a monster with weak ability in my line up. The next time I included a monster with weak ability In my lineup, my opponent won with a narrow escape.

My first win Against Zaku
It was like I won something special! I planned the battle as if I wanted to fight against a player with Zaku without knowing that my opponent would use the Summoner.
I included a monster with slow ability and used monsters with high speed, that was how I won the battle.

Here are How you can win against Zaku

Use a Monster with slow ability
A monster with slow ability is very advantageous while fighting Zaku: not only while fighting Zaku but also the majority of the rules in splinterlands.
Using Summoners like Men Seni and Quix the Devious, are good additions to the lineup- the both summoners reduce the speed of opponent monsters.

High Speed summoners and monsters
I played a battle today and my opponent used Zaku. The biggest mistake I made was not remembering that the reverse speed rule was among the rules. It was when the battle started I knew that there was reverse speed.
Therefore, it is important to understand the rules before selecting monsters: and if reverse speed is given in battles, monsters with lowest speed attack first. Hence, monsters with lowest speed are the best when reverse speed is given.
If Reverse speed is not given, summoners and monsters with higher speed are the best.
I have used this type of strategy to win battles in splinterlands; not only when a player used a summoner called Zaku, but in the majority of my battles irrespective of the summoners, monsters and strategies by players.

Use a Monster with Reflection shield
There was a time one can guess an opponent's lineup: those are the days when a player would see his/her opponent's collection power. Those days are gone!
A monster with a reflection shield can help to reduce the damage done by blast ability. I often use a monster with a reflection shield when blast ability is given in battles.
I knew that explosive weaponry was included in the battle rules and that was the reason I used a monster with a reflection shield. But, in a situation where you don't know the kind of summoner and monsters your opponent wants to use, It is very difficult to predict his lineup.
There were many battles I wasn't expecting my opponent to use Zaku: fortunately, they used Zaku Summoner.
Using a reflection shield monster depends on players discretion.

Splinterlands Revolution
Splinterlands is one of the best games on the planet due to the following:
The Fast pace- It all depends on how tough the battles areā€¦ā€¦I have played battles that ended in 25 rounds which was about 7 minutes to end; and I have also played battles that did not last for 20 seconds. But, the average time of the splinterlands battles is very short. This short time is one of the mechanisms that make the game unique.

The rewarding systems of the game are spectacular
Imagine a game where one can earn a lot of money.
It is important to understand that the levels, winning rate and skills are part of what can make one earn big.
I'm not going to point out specific values one can earn because it all depends on the levels of your cards, winning rate and skills.
Believe me! The Max Dec account earns the most in splinterlands because they have complete levels of cards; and that is how it is in company, the investors with the largest chairs receive higher interest rate.

The Team are pushing forward
What a good team! They are pushing the company forward with so many good ideas. Ideas of new packs, staking, voting and many more.

Whatever change that wants to happen in the game, there is an opportunity for all investors to vote. If the players don't want the change, they have power to vote against it.
If you also have a suggestion in the game, there's a space to draft your proposal. When I checked the recent proposals that were drafted by players and investors, there were three proposals that were there.
The Proposals are divided into two stages:
stage 1 is pre-proposal- This is the time when your suggestion is discussed; and it is within 7 days.
stage 2 is Proposal: This is a stage successful pre-proposal. The proposal can now be voted by players and it is within 7 days.

What are you waiting for friends! Whoever wants to earn passive income, you can get the details of this @play2earn game from @splinterlands blog or click My Referral Link to register. It is a game that provides passive income. It is a game that changed the lives of many people; and I am one of them. @Splinterlands have saved me from debt, borrowing money from banks and cooperatives.
Register today, and you will thank me later.
Do you want to win cards, SPS, subscribe to Splinterlands TV on discord where you can get access to the discord channel.
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
ā€œDiscouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.ā€ - Dale
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for the next battle challenge.

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