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My Brawl Combat For This Week

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Hello warriors, I want to bring to you my brawl battle for this week.
You know we have prep stage: a prep stage is the stage where members of the Guild select preferred fray based on the ability of the cards. For instance, I can't play a fray of which only rebellion cards are allowed. This is because I don't have enough Rebellion cards to play the Fray; eventually, if I play the Fray, I may not win any battle, except my opponent doesn't have the cards, like me.

There was a day I was the last person to enter Fray in my GUILD. I mistakenly entered the fray that was made for rebellion cards. During the combat stage, I did not have any rebellion cards to fight the battle, that was how I lost all the battles. That is the reason a player must have the cards to play fray.
Since then, Love to select a fray that gives me the ability to use my cards, and one of the frays I love is Fray 2: it allows me to use Chaos and other cards I have. Fray 2 gives me opportunities to use most of my cards such as Chaos legion, Beta, and many more.
There are frays that allow me to use most of my cards but I love Fray 2; It is very simple to play. This is because it is a ‘Novice league level caps’. only level 1 monsters and Summoners are allowed to be used.

The Combat stage was set a few hours ago, It only lasted for 48 hours. Failure to play a brawl within 48 hours will result to ‘fled’. Fled is the term used to describe when a player failed to play his brawl within stipulated time which is 48 hours.

Due to my activities Wednesday and Thursday, I couldn't check #splinterlands blog to know the Social Media challenge for this week.
When I checked splinterlands blog this morning, Social media challenge has been posted since two days ago. As usual, I love social media challenge posts. I have not skipped it this year.

I decided to bring the brawl I played with this morning; out of 7 battles, I'm here to share one of them.

To watch the battle click here 👇👇👇
Brawl Battle

Rules of the battle

Born again: All monsters have the rebirth ability.
This was the reason I used Isgard Vorst. I knew how strong Isgard Vorst would be when it eliminates a monster. I wanted to see this in this battle, and that was the reason I used the monster.
Unfortunately, my opponent used a monster with protect ability which gave armor to all friendly monsters. This protect ability was a disadvantage to Isgard Vorst in this battle. If not the protect ability, the battle wouldn't have reached round 6.

Up to Eleven: All monsters have the amplify ability.
The amplify ability was one of the biggest reasons I wanted to use Djinn Chwala; after a second thought, I had a change of mind.
I realized that If my opponent uses magic monsters, it might be a failure to me.
If I used Djinn Chwala in this battle, an attack from any melee monster would result in serious damage to such a melee monster because of the amplify ability. I was very conscious of magic monsters, that was the reason I didn't use Djinn Chwala again.

Monsters Arrangement

The Kraken
Looking at the number of mana given in this battle, I knew it was The kraken was the best monster to place in the front because of the following:
Armor: The armor is advantageous against melee monsters in this battle. I knew that melee and ranged monsters needed to damage her armor before health.
Taunt Ability: The only monsters and a summoner that can attack these other monsters where there is a taunt monster are monsters or a Summoner with scattershot ability. Without scattershot ability, taunt ability must be eliminated before attacking any other monsters.
If not taunt ability, Deeplurker would have eliminated Crustacean King in this battle.

Health: The Kraken is one of the monsters with highest health in splinterlands. Her health was the major factor for selecting her in this battle. If you watch the battle to the end, The Kraken could not be eliminated in this battle.

In addition, There was no position where the Kraken could function rather than first position in this battle. Mistake to place The Kraken in any other positions rather than first would render it powerless; it wouldn't have attacked.

Djinn Oshannus
It could fit in any position but was very crucial to be placed in second position. I knew that my lineup would not have a problem if The kraken was eliminated; Djinn Oshannus could be placed in any position but I preferred it over Kulu Mastermind because of its resistance. The void is very good against magic monsters; and I also wanted a monster that could attack health directly.
Djinn Oshannus was the only magic! monster in my lineup; and the magic ability was the biggest reason I selected it. At the start of a battle, Djinn was the first monster to attack, and it attacked Coastal Sentry which reduced its health to 3. That was the reason all my monsters were focused on Coaster Sentry.
That was the reason Coaster Sentry could not attack in this battle.
Without Djinn Oshannus, Kulu Mastermind and Isgard Vorst wouldn't have attacked Coastal Sentry; They would have attacked Merdaali Guardian instead of Coaster Sentry.

Kulu Mastermind
Kulu Mastermind was very important in this battle: since one of the battles' rules was rebirth, my thought was that Kulu Mastermind would damage the monsters with the smallest health and Isgard Vorst would eliminate them.
Therefore, my aim was to use both Kulu Mastermind and Isgard Vorst to eliminate those monsters with the smallest health.
Kulu Mastermind contributed to the elimination of Coastal Sentry, Destroyed the armor of Merdaali Guardian, Riverboat Captain, Venari Wavesmith and Deeplurker.

Isgard Vorst
I needed the vibe of bloodlust; Isgard Vorst gave me the vibe toward the end of the battle. It also contributed immensely in this battle.

Merdaali Guardian
Without Tank heal monsters, victory wouldn't have been guaranteed. If Relenor Cleaver was given a chance to eliminate, it would have been a huge defeat; the presence of Merdaali Guardian made it impossible for opponent monsters to eliminate my monsters.
I knew it would be very hard to use a monster with affliction in this battle. I have already calculated that my opponent might not come with an affliction monster. I was very confident! And that was the reason I used two tank heal monsters.

Crustacean King
I wanted to keep a clean sheet in this battle! That is the language of football when the opponent does not score any goal in a match. I don't want any monster to get eliminated from my lineup and that was the reason I used two tank heal monsters- Merdaali Guardian and Crustacean King.
The kraken was able to lead the battle to victory as a result of the two monsters. Without the Merdaali Guardian and Crustacean King, it wouldn't have been possible to keep a clean sheet in this battle.

Round 1

In the First Round, four of my monsters attacked Coastal Sentry- Djinn Oshannus, The kraken, Kulu Mastermind and Isgard Vorst. Just three attacks, Coastal Sentry was eliminated; it was reincarnated which did not give the power to attack.
After Coastal Sentry was reincarnated, Merdaali Guardian increased her heart from one to three; and Isgard Vorst damaged her armor.
Relenor Cleaver attacked and damaged the armor of the kraken, Deeplurker damaged the health to 10, riverboat Captain damaged her health to 8.

Merdaali Guardian and Crustacean King increased the health of The kraken to 14.

Round 2

Finally, Djinn Oshannus eliminated Coaster Sentry.
My monsters attacked 2 opponent monsters in round 2- Relenor Cleaver and Merdaali Guardian. The Kraken attacked Relenor Cleaver while Kulu Mastermind and Isgard Vorst attacked Venari Wavesmith.
In Round 2, The health of the kraken was reduced to 4 by the opponent's monsters; both tank heals added 8 health which brought the total number of the Kraken's health to 12.
There was no monster that was eliminated in this round but the health was greatly reduced.

Round 3

Merdaali Guardian was eliminated but she came back to life due to rebirth ability.
Effort was also made by opponent monsters to bring The Kraken down- The kraken health would have been reduced to 2 if Deeplurker did not miss the attack in the third time; the health of the Kraken increases to 12 with the help of Merdaali Guardian and Crustacean King.

Round 4 and 5

In round 4, Relenor Cleaver was eliminated but it came back to life.
In the fifth round, Two monsters were finally eliminated- Relenor Cleaver and Merdaali Guardian.
The kraken became more strong at round 5, while only 3 monsters were left In the opponent's lineup.

Round 6 and 7

Riverboat Captain was eliminated in round 6 while Venari Wavesmith was eliminated in round 7.

Round 8

Deeplurker was finally eliminated.

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“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
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