How Do I Qualify For Splinterlands Twitter Contest?

Hello Splinterlands lovers across the world, how are you doing today?

I was about to miss brawl today; this is because I did not have enough SPS which would make me play Splinterlands like before. It is just too hard to loot daily and seasonal rewards without SPS. This has been my reason for not being serious like before.
Throughout today I was playing Splinterlands, I only got two daily reward chest and 1 season reward chest. Therefore, there is nothing motivating me to play more.
I played Splinterlands four days ago but I thank God I was able to remember and played brawl.

This is the reason one needs to continue checking @Splinterlandsfor vital information. I would have missed another golden opportunity in Splinterlands. Splinterlands Twitter contest started some days ago; and I was not informed because I refused to check @splinterlands blog.
The lady time I checked Splinterlands blog was four days ago; I went there to submit a battle mage secrets challenge. After I submitted the post, I did not mind checking for other information until today I was feeling like checking the blog. That was how I came across Splinterlands Twitter contest.
If you want to participate, here is the linkπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Twitter Contest
Note: make sure you read everything.
The instructions are very simple; you just have to do the following:
The first things I was asked were the following:
My email: I provided my email. I realized that after all my entries, I was notified that I have completed the task.
Splinterlands username: I provided my Splinterlands username which is chrisamuda.
My full name: I was asked for my full name.

I also entered the following for my chance to win two chaos legion:
Follow @splinterlands on Twitter: for more than two years I have been following Splinterlands on Twitter; using hashtag Splinterlands (#splinterlands) in all my Splinterlands posts in all my social media handles. Therefore, I don't need to follow because I have been following Splinterlands for a long time. The moment I clicked on the link, I was following Splinterlands.
View this tweet on Twitter: the tweet was all about the contest. When I checked the tweet, it said, "I am in the running to win a prize thanks to Splinterlands". The tweet was all about the contest and the prize.

Retweet @splinterlands on Twitter: the moment I finished reading the contest, I retweeted it with @Splinterlands as I was instructed.
This is the link of what I retweeted.
Tweet on Twitter: I was asked to tweet about the contest of which I did. Here is the link

Tweet with Hashtag Splinterlands (#splinterlands): the same post was tweeted with Hashtag. Therefore you must use $splinterlands.

Follow Splinterlands on SoundCloud: since I don't have an account with SoundCloud, it was important for me to create a new account. It wasn't hard at all; I created a SoundCloud account within a minute, set up my profile and followed Splinterlands.
Follow Splinterlands on Spotify: just the way I created SoundCloud, the same way I created Spotify. Just little differences between them. But I couldn't do anything in my account until I verified the email sent to me. After I verified the link sent to me; that was when I was able to log in to my account.
After I successfully logged in, I was able to followed Splinterlands.

Follow Splinterlands on Instagram: Instagram is the one of the widely used social media in the world. Hence, I have an Instagram account but I don't use it all the time. I only visit the account once in a blue moon πŸ˜žπŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™. There is not much activity on my Instagram account.
And I followed Splinterlands.

The aforementioned above are what can qualify you to be among the winners.
5 winners will be selected and each winner will be given two chaos legion packs.
You must participate in the contest by doing as was instructed before you can be selected. Though, I don't know the metrics the use to select winners but you may be among the lucky winners.
You still have 4-5 days left for the contest. Endeavor to enter the contest before it is late.

When I was playing Splinterlands today, this battle caught !my attention and I felt like sharing the battle with Splinterlands lovers.
The strategy I took made me like the battle; since super Sneak was one of the rules of this battle, my opponent used a monster with flying ability as the last monster. I was smart enough to use magic monsters rather than melee monsters.
If I used melee monsters on this battle, they would have missed the attack because of Pelacor Bandit flying ability.

Click here to watch the battle
Click here to watch the battle.


Super Sneak: All melee attack monsters have the sneak ability.

Stampede: The Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled monster is killed.

Fire and Regret: All monsters have the return fire ability.

Monsters Arrangement
Venari Marksrat

Splinter: Neutral
Level: 2⭐⭐
Ability: martyr
Speed: 1
Health: 3
Armor: 2
Attack: Range
Mana: 3
The only reason that made me use Venari Marksrat was the Marty ability.
It was a strategy to increase the stats of an adjacent monster: it was part of my plan to increase the magic attack of Djinn Oshannus.
When Venari Marksrat was eliminated in the first round, the stats of Djinn Oshannus were increased by +1 and that was exactly what I wanted.
Therefore, Venari Marksrat was a bait to catch opponent monsters in this battle.
There, I used Venari Marksrat often just the way I used it in this battle.

Djinn Oshannus

Splinter: Water
Level: 2 ⭐
Ability: Void
Speed: 5
Health: 11
Armor: 2
Attack: Magic
Mana: 8
Djinn Oshannus was my main monster to start the battle. Just like I have said earlier, Venari Marksrat was a bait.
By the time Djinn Oshannus led the attack, it became indomitable; I could not be eliminated because it gained +1 magic attack that made it the strongest monster in my lineup.

Venari Wavesmith

Splinter: Water
Level: 4⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ability: Protect
Speed: 3
Health: 4
Armor: 2
Attack: Magic
Mana: 5
I had the hunch that my opponent would use melee monsters; that was what prompted me to use ***Venari Wavesmith ***so that the melee monsters have to damage the armor before health.
The 'protect ability' made it difficult for opponent's melee monsters to eliminate Frozen Soldier. It took the opponent's melee monsters third round to eliminate Frozen Soldier due to additional armor given to all friendly monsters.
Without 'protect ability', most of my monsters would have been eliminated from behind.

Captain Ghost

Splinter: Water
Level: 5 ⭐⭐⭐
Ability: Affliction
Speed: 2
Health: 8
Armor: 2
Attack: Magic
Mana: 7
I also thought that my opponent might use a monster with healing ability. A monster with healing ability made battles so tough for me. I knew if I did not find something to stop such a monster, I might end up losing the game in this kind of battle. This was because, majority of monsters attack a monster in the first position.
Hence, I came up with Captain Ghost to stop a monster with healing ability. Without Captain Ghost in this battle, there would be no way I would have won the battle. Merdaali Guardian would have continued given a monster in the first position certain portions of health which would have made it difficult to eliminate while opponent's Deeplurker and Pelacor Bandit would have eliminated all my monsters from behind.

Halfling Alchemist

Splinter: Neutral
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Ability: Halving
Speed: 2
Health: 1
Armor; 3
Attack: Ranged
Mana: 2
Despite the rule of fire and regret, I went ahead to use Halfling Alchemist because of the ability to break the attack.
Halfling Alchemist was responsible for breaking the attack of ***Djinn Oshannus ***and Deeplurker; this was the reason there was no effect while Opponent's Djinn Oshannus attacked in the second round.
Therefore, I brought this monster to break opponent attacks.

Frozen Soldier

Splinter: Water
Level: 2
Ability: Shield
Health: 4
Armor: 7
Attack: Melee
Mana: 6
I did not use Frozen Soldier because of the attack, I brought it to delay the attack from behind.
We all know that in Super Sneak, the majority of melee monsters attack from behind.
If I had used any monster with shield ability, it would have been eliminated in no time.
As you can see, I used melee monsters in this battle, it would have been more difficult because of the flying ability of Pelacor Bandit. Frozen Soldier missed the attack throughout the battle 😲😲😲
Dogs Puppies GIF by MOODMAN
What are you waiting for friends! Whoever wants to earn passive income, you can get the details of this @play2earn game from @splinterlands blog or click My Referral Link to register. It is a game that provides passive income. It is a game that changed the lives of many people; and I am one of them. @Splinterlands have saved me from debt, borrowing money from banks and cooperatives.
Register today, and you will thank me later.
Do you want to win cards, SPS, subscribe to Splinterlands TV on discord where you can get access to the discord channel.
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
β€œDiscouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for the next battle challenge.

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