Battle Mage Weekly Secrets Challenge:: Armored Up

Battle Mage Weekly Secrets Challenge:: Armored Up

Hello Splinterlands lovers and across the world, how are you doing today?
Happy new Year 🎊 to you all,
It is very important and paramount to thank the splinterlands community, the players, and the splinterlands team. This new year will blossom for all of us. I knew that splinterlands teams are working round the clock to make the company move forward ⏩. I believe more new innovations are coming in 2024.

I can't not conclude this part of my writing without mentioning @bdvoter and their curators.. I was upvoted in the majority of my splinterlands post in the year 2023. I said it several times in my previous posts that my articles were not the best; yet my posts were picked for upvoting. Whenever @bdvoter upvotes my posts, I always smile.
Thank you @bdvoter and the curators, the year 2024 will be glorious in your lives and families. Happiness and joy will be your portion in this year 2024.

This week's battle mage secrets challenge is β€˜armor up’ , one of the rules that is very easy for me to defeat. Well! Armored up rule can be tricky sometimes which depends on the other rules attached to it.
I have played several battles of β€˜armor up’ with other rules. The one I played last two weeks was armored Up with lost magic, up close and personal,
We all know that the two rules I stated above do not have magic attacks. It is always difficult to eliminate monsters because of the armor attached to the monsters. It is only very easy when a player has summoner piercing ability. This ability makes it easy for melee and ranged monsters to damage the health of a target if the damage is in excess of the target's armor.
This is the reason I love magic ability in this type of battle; my first option in armored up battle is to look for monsters with powerful magical attacks.
Last two weeks I came across armor up and lost magic in a battle; I was too quick in making decisions if the monsters I used. The whole summary of the battle was that I could not defeat a monster with the smallest health. There was Furious Chicken πŸ” in the battle; I attacked Furious chicken πŸ”πŸ” twice in the battle before it was eliminated in the battle. In a battle where there was no armor, I destroyed Furious Chicken πŸ”πŸ” with just one attack. Therefore, a monster πŸ’€ has to attack twice by melee and range monsters twice before it is eliminated unless a summoner or monster with piercing ability is in the battle.
This is the reason I love magic monsters ❣️🀩 in this type of battle since the magic monsters attack the health directly without damaging armor. There are circumstances when magic monsters attack armor first before health; in this kind of situation l love 😘❀ ️ to use all the attack abilities- magic, melee and range.

Battle Rulesets
In this battle, there are three rules given, they are fire and regret, aimless and up to eleven.

Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lower speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.
The reason I used πŸ’©πŸ’€ monsters with lowest speed in this battle was the reverse speed. The only way to attack faster in this battle was to use monsters with lowest health.
If there was no reverse speed in this battle, I would have used monsters with the highest speed; this is because one of the aims of the battles in splinterlands is to attack faster. Then, I realized that if I used monsters with the highest health, I wouldn't be able to attack faster and have a higher chance of losing the battle to my opponent. You could see that the πŸŒŠπŸ’¦ Water Elemental missed the attack because it was a monster with highest speed in my lineup.
Therefore, monsters with lower speed have the highest chance of evading attack.

Heavy Hitters: All monsters have the knockout ability.
This is a battle that is good for a πŸ’©πŸ’€ monster with stun ability

Armored Up: All πŸ’©πŸ’€ monsters have 2 armor in addition to their normal armor stats.
In this battle, πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„ all monsters in this battle had 2 armor to their normal stats.
That was the reason my opponent’s monsters had 2 armor; because my opponent used Noa the just, the 2 armor from my end was removed due to the rust ability of Noa the just.
The best way to remove the armor in a battle was to use Noa the Just; and that was exactly what my opponent did.

Click her

Monsters Arrangements

Torhilo The Frozen
Splinter: Water πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Level: 2⭐⭐
Speed: 1🚀
Ability: Void
Health: 9 β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
Armor: 5 βš’οΈβš’οΈβš’οΈβš’οΈβš’οΈ
Attack: Melee
Mana: 9

I was confident of Torhilo the Frozen; and one of the reasons I was confident about the πŸ’©πŸ’€ monster was the void ability.
I thought my opponent think like me that fun of using magic πŸ’©πŸ’€ monsters when reverse speed is used. I thought all my opponent's monsters would be magic monsters except first πŸ’©πŸ’€ monster in his lineup.
He was very smart, he knew that I would use a magic monster; and he used Torhilo the frozen to reduce my magic attacks.
That was the reason it was eliminated in the battle.

Captain Ghost

Splinter: Water πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Level: 3⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 2🚀 🚀
Ability: Affliction
Health: 8β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
Attack: Magic
Mana: 7

I knew that if Torhilo the Frozen is eliminated, Captain Ghost was the second monster that could delay opponent monsters. If I mistakenly used Riverboat Captain as the second, it would have been eliminated in this battle. Hence, Captain Ghost was the best monster in the second position due to its health.

Riverboat Captain

Splinter: Water πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Level: 1⭐
Speed: 2🚀 🚀
Ability: Blast
Health: 4β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
Attack: Magic
Mana: 6
Riverboat Captain’s speed was the major reason I selected it. It was the third monster that attack in this battle 😲😭. This was possible to achieve because of its lower speed. The blast ability was also incredible, damaging the health of opponent’s adjacent πŸ’©πŸ’€ monster.

Merdaali Guardian

Splinter: Water πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Level: 2⭐⭐
Speed: 3🚀🚀🚀
Ability: Healing
Health: 3β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
Attack: None
Mana: 3
I was sure that my opponent would use Noa the just; that was the reason I thought if any monster πŸ’©πŸ’€ would be destroyed in my lineup, it would be in the second round of the battle.
Unfortunately, it didn't work like that; Noa the just removed the armor of all my monsters; that was the reason the Merdaali Guardian was very vulnerable. Since Merdaali Guardian was the monster πŸ’©πŸ’€ with smallest health, it was attacked and destroyed by Deeplurker.
Therefore, Merdaali Guardian was the first monster that was eliminated.

Doctor Blight

Splinter: Water πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Level: 2⭐⭐
Speed: 1🚀🚀
Ability: Camouflage, Poison and Affliction
Health: 4β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
Attack: Magic
Mana: 4
I was very confident that Doctor Blight would be the second to the last monster πŸ’©πŸ’€ that would be eliminated in this battle. This was because of its camouflage ability. I knew all the three abilities would be useful in this battle. Doctor Blight abilities were the biggest opportunity for me in this battle; it poisoned Torhilo the Frozen which made the monster πŸ’©πŸ’€ to be eliminated very fast. Without Doctor Blight, it wouldn't have easy to eliminate opponent's Torhilo the Frozen.

Water Elemental

Splinter: Water πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Level: 4⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 5🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀
Ability: Heal
Health: 6β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
Attack: Range
Mana: 5
I was thinking that my opponent might use more sneak monsters than any other monster in this battle. That was the reason I placed Water Elemental behind to keep.

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β€œDiscouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for the next battle challenge.

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