From Fast Food to Home-Cooked: My Journey with Food


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Dear Hive Friend and Hive Learner Members,

The way of our living and lifestyle chnages over time. The food is one of the necessary part of life and without food we can not survive. In different parts of world people has the different food habits as per the availability of ingredients and weather conditions. In India we mostly has rice, wheat, spices, pulses, vegetables, egg and meat (mostly chicken) in our daily plates. I do not like the non vegetarian as I am vegetarian and love to be. In India also the food choices changes as we travel form one state to another state. Every state has its own favorite food and some places are famous for some foods also. Unfortunately now days the present generation loves more the fast food over the traditional food, and the kids are most likely prefer the fast food. It's nit like I also do not take fast food but it's occasionally. We all know that the fast food is not healthy dor health but still we take it most of the time, some time because of the non-availability of other good food and some time for the change of taste. Pizza burgers, noodles are in the prime list of kids if you ask them their choice of food.


I do not like to prepare food daily but occasionally when ever is required I do it. I am blessed with a beautiful wife which has good cooking skills and also has hobby to try new dishes. So mostly in our home my wife is responsible for preparing the food for our family. In India culture mostly the women only prepare the food for family, before my marriage my mother was use to be the kitchens king. For the job opportunities I left the my native and rented a house near the capital region. We were the three friends living in single flat and we hired a maid prepare the food for us all. We know this is the cost effective and healthier way and this qwas continued till our marriage.
When I got a married my wife taken over the kitchen so I do not have to worried about the food, my responsible was to take the vegetables, pulses and other necessary items to home. Still that time I was not knowing how to prepare the food. I was knowing a little and was a novice only. Before the birth of our kid my wife went to our native as she need extra care and we were alone. At that time I was living alone for almost one year. In the initial days I went out for dinning everyday but after some days I realized this is not the good practice and not good for health as well as for finance also. I stared with breakfast and then lunch and dinner. At first at learn how to cook rice and pulses as that is one of the easiest tast. Then started cooking the vegetables with wheat bread (we called it Roti). The hard part was preparing the dough for the wheat bread. But after some tries I become experts in that also. After some days I realized that it took hardly half an hour to prepare the meals and I can do it while listing to my favorite music.


The fast food was my favorite food also jn past but slowly I realized hoe harmful it is for the health. The excessive oil and unhealthy practices make is more harmful. I still eat pizza and burgers but it's rare and for the taste hange of daily routin. If I will be agin in similar condition where I have to prepare my food and I am packed with lots of work still I will try to prepare mybown food. It does not take much time and sparing half an hour for our health food is not a big deal.


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