These Comedians Are My Favourite

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Hello friends, Happy new week. I hope this week brings everything good. It's the week 68 edition 1 of the @hivelearners weekly prompt.

I will always tell my friends as long as you have a data subscription. You can never be depressed or bored 😂😂😂. What do I mean?
Facebook, YouTube, tiktok, even people's WhatsApp status has a lot of comedy skits uploaded that will make someone Laugh and forget his troubles for a few minutes.
People take out time and pay for comedy shows not because they have too much but to ease themselves stress by watching comedians live and laugh. At that moment you're laughing, at least you're happy and your worries are gone for that period.

Taaooma and Sabinus

We are blessed with so many comedians who are naturally funny even with their looks. The good thing is that we even have female comedians who are doing very well and one of the top comedians like tacoma, Helen Paul . It's really encouraging to females out there who have the zeal for comedy.

To be sincere I have many comedians. I usually watch their videos but my favorite comedians are Sabinus and Taaooma. These guys can let me finish my data and battery just by watching their videos. From dressing, their looks and acting is so much fun.
Onec reason I love taaooma comedy is that it displays the real settings of a Nigerian mother and Family. I watched one of her interviews where she was asked why she's always acting in family settings. She replied that she gets most of her contents from the real display of her parents and siblings at home. What a typical African mother will do. It is relatable to the real world and it looks like all mothers act that way 😂.


Also her editing is also really good. In her comedy skits, she only acts different characters at once. It takes someone who is really good at video coverage and editing to do that. She is good at any part she acts either mother, father, elder sis, elder bro or the last child 😂. She's just barely 25 years and also a graduate who pursued her dreams and now has become one of the most successful female comedians in the world.

My second best is Sabinus, also known as Investor. He is one of the few comedians who's facial expression can even make you laugh so hard that you forget your story. One thing I love about him is how real he acts and comedy he acts. In an interview he said " I make my video decent so everyone can watch even children" and that's true. There's a high display of decency in his comedy skits and that's one thing that makes him different.


He also made me believe that consistency is key. In his throw back pictures in university his family wasn't financially strong, but then he never gave up and continued doing what he likes, how he's a well known comedian in Nigeria and out.
It's really good when we know our talent and work towards it.

N/B: Pictures were taken from goggle which were sourced and collage done with my phone.

Thank you for reading

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