Keeping Stress Under Control.

Stress can be the kiss of death or the spice of life. The Idea really, is how to manage it. Stress is just so unavoidable as long as we are alive.

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And because we are all different in temperament and general health, what stress me might not really be a stress to someone.

Some causes of stress are: Insecurity​,demanding routine, conflicts, traumatic experiences.

Some people have turned to alcohol, drugs, smoking.
Some have adopted an abnormal eating habits, some sit in front of television or their laptops, operating their phones all day just to keep their minds off their problems.But truth be told, these habits would not address the issue rather it will exacerbate it.

How to manage stress.

I will be addressing how to cope with stress with some of the causes I mentioned earlier.

Insecurity: we all know that the whole world isn't safe but we can reduce our fear but staying calm and relaxed. Avoid focusing on worst case scenario because such thinking will just drain you emotionally.And sometimes our fears may not even happen so #relax

  • demanding routine: try taking a break from your work, give yourself some downtime and rest.
    Try to set some priority for yourself and adopt a modest and simple lifestyle. And you can achieve this simple lifestyle reducing expenses or time spent at work .

  • conflict: try as much as possible to be at peace and in good terms with people around you including your work mate, friends and family.
    Having disagreement with someone can be very stressful so try to settle any issue you have and learn to forgive because forgiveness is a good medicine in it's own.
    Lastly try having a change of lifestyle and routine, change your eating habits eat well_balanced diet as well as getting enough sleep and exercise.
    Try having fun with friends and family (problem no dey finish try dey enjoy).

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