Ecency Points and Promotion

I started using Ecency App and web a few days ago. I really liked the interactive design and smooth navigation that it offered.

I got to know from good Samaritans that one actually gains points for using Ecency app which can be used for promoting your post or boosting your profile to gain better visibility. Sounds enticing!

Now I have around 500 ecency points and a couple of posts that I had written last week. I thought of utilizing my ecency points so first I tried to promote it via the app.

I got stuck at this screen. Hive friend @milaan helped me with the permalink and I finally reached at the promote option where it asked me to relogin using the master/active key. Which I did but ended up at the same screen over and over again.

Then I decided to do it via website. @melinda010100 told me to do it directly from the post that I wanted to promote. Click on three dots and promote.

So far so good. On to the next step.

Smooth. On to the next step now. I was getting hopeful. Entered my master password but ended up on the same screen again.

So my question is, has anyone used this feature successfully?

What happens when those few minutes are over? Do we get a notification, or does it show against our post as sponsored/promoted?

And finally, when do those few minutes get over?

end of rant 😁

I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this.

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