Creative Sunday week 58, Redemption song cover

Happy Sunday lovely hivers! it's another creative Sunday in the Hive learners community, I'm glad to make my very first music video on Hive also in this wonderful community.

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I decided to sing my cover of Bob Maley the Jamaican singer, Redemption song, I sang this song in our last Tuesday song event in the Neoxian City discord, and got positive feedbacks that kind of made me bold enough to come up with the video version, haha, i'm kind of video shy, like I said, this is tbe very first to many more.

This song has been a favorite song of mine for a very long while, it's old, but refreshing to me. It talks about slavery of the mind and freedom after so many years, this song has been sung by so many other musicians like Rihanna, who also had their interpretation of this song the way it resonates with them, I kind of followed Rihanna's version of this song, for me, listening to this song in my down moment helps me come out of depression and not allow my mind to be held on to the dark part of it for long as staying in the dark makes it even harder to liberate yourself.

I tried to bring out the emotions I felt while singing the song as the lyrics resonates with me, the feeling I get is that even after so many years, just like Africans had to face slavery in the past, and finally got liberated, redemption is still possible in whatever situation of life we go through and all it takes is believing in yourself and take the bold step towards freedom.

I wanted to spread the message that we can make our own life and be the masters of our destiny. I wanted to add my own flavor to it. I hope I did the song justice and brought it to life in my way.

Song lyrics

All the pirates, yeah, they rob them
Sold them on to the merchant ship
Minutes after they took them
From the bottomless pit...

Check for more lyrics here

Thanks for your support❤❤

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