Time is Money, use it wisely

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There is a common metaphorical saying in my country that time is money and this is not far from the truth because one way or the order, you will discover that any time you mismanage will always cost you something.

Sadly, these days, I feel like 24 hours is not enough for me anymore to fill in on all my activities of the day, from my steady offline job to hiving, threading of course, and also trying to meet up with my zealy quests, no matter how hard I try to meet, at the end of the day I still feel like I haven't done enough or there is something not finished up. To help me not feel guilty every time, I devised a plan, generously given by one Leo threader to always write out my daily goals that can be achievable and try as much to meet up, so far, I think this has been of great help.

Today's prompt by the hive learners community is about improper time management and its adverse effect afterward. In my line of work, new trends come up regularly and it is pertinent for us as fashion designers to always be informed and try to get an upgrade as well. A few years back, the beading trend started, and I had it in mind to go get an upgrade on beading courses, anytime I try to, it's either I get distracted by one thing or the other, then an opportunity came up, a lady in my area decided to teach this beading course at a lesser price compared to the ones available online, I should have attended the few weeks program, but I chose to travel to the village for a holiday, thinking I would apply for the program after my few weeks break, only for me to return and discover that the lady traveled out just after the program. From then on till now, I always find myself procrastinating on going for this course, maybe because I will rather choose to attend a physical beading class than an online class and I've not found anyone close and convenient for me.


Recently, I got a huge contract to make a dress that needed complete beading after the main sewing of the plain dress, sadly, I have to share the cost with another fashion designer that is already into beading and she will be taking the most share of the total dressmaking because she is more knowledgeable than I am in that aspect and I have no other choice than to submit even though I got the job initially, I will be the one earning leaser. So you see, time is money, if I had taken the bold step then, I would not have to lose a huge part of the new deal.

The great part of it all is that I will use this deal as an opportunity to learn from her since we are both working together in making the dress, I'm no longer procrastinating and wasting more time, my next huge deal might be at my doorstep about to knock.


From my experience, I learned that If faced with an opportunity, it is always right to make the best of it at that moment without wasting further time, because time lost might not be gotten back.

This post is in response to the hive learners weekly contest, week 62, edition 2.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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