Rising Above Oppression

If there is one bad attitude I hate that some people display, it is the feeling of pride, those who take advantage of people because they've attained a certain higher position and feel they have the power to take advantage of people below them.


I used to think that's just the way life is, that everyone above tends to exhibit these characteristics, but I've also been opportune to meet amazing personalities that have power, are super rich, and are still humble, these sets of people are even more respected in the society than those that act like they are god themselves, so with that fact, I know no power or wealth can make me change my attitude and become proud, to the extent of oppressing people as I've been on the other side and know what it feels like to be oppressed, it isn't a good feeling and no man deserves to be treated that way no matter how low ranking they are, after all, in God eyes, we are all the same.


The first job I ever did was working as a teacher in a primary school, which was owned by wealthy couples, while I was just a teenager who just graduated from secondary school and didn't want to stay idle at home while processing my admission into the university, while the woman was stingy and very domineering, stingy in the fact that she would make her staffs suffer for little pay even though we do most of the work that attracts student to the school, she would always brag about being the investor in the school and she was just helping our lives, she made us feel inferior like we had no worth and we couldn't find anywhere better, worst still, any slight error or opportunity for her, she reduced our salary, imagine someone being paid 5000 naira and it is still deducted from at the end of the month.

I was inexperienced then, and allowed myself to be her puppet not until her husband also wanted to take advantage of me, breaking my moral code as a young girl, imagine a man old enough to be someone's dad asking me out with the promise that he would buy me a smartphone and his wife wouldn't know about the affair, he even bragged about buying the new phone one of the staff had, that was when I lost my patience and couldn't stand the torment of oppression. Right then and there I quit, not after giving him the insult of his life and telling him how shameless he was trying to take advantage of a small girl who wanted nothing but to be useful to her life.

I went home and explained the situation to my mum, and she also went and gave him her share, so other girls working for them don't end up being victims, according to what I heard weeks later, the man stopped coming to the school out of shame, and only his wife managed it, whatever happened to him, I don't know and I don't care.

The situation taught me never to allow anyone take advantage of me no matter the situation, I'm human, I have rights,and the fact that I'm in a lower position today doesn't mean I will remain the same forever. I have worth!

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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